[-] Furbag@lemmy.world 2 points 1 hour ago

Why take a bribe from John Oliver, who would immediately turn around and disclose that Thomas accepted it on his television program, when he could just go ask Daddy Harlan Crow for an identical RV and then not disclose it?

The Supreme Court is corrupt to the core. There's an inability to hold them accountable for anything. The system of checks and balances functionally doesn't exist for this "apolitical" branch.

[-] Furbag@lemmy.world 23 points 22 hours ago

It really is a scathing indictment of our country that, even if the allegations were true (they aren't), the proposed solution to the problem Republicans have offered up is to deport all of the people back to their home country rather than just... I dunno. Making sure they have other means of feeding themselves.

What the fuck has become of our society?

[-] Furbag@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

The culture war has been going on for a lot longer than a decade, it's just only in the last decade or so that it's been amped up to 11 in terms of how aggressive it's being fought. Conservatives are almost always on the losing side of social issues that require a culture shift. Women's suffrage, civil rights, seatbelt laws, anti-smoking laws, gay rights... the list goes on, and the fight is never quite done for some, but they always lose in the end.

The very fact that conservatives are very pro for things like coal mining that liberals are trying to legislate away create strong reasons for some people to hold their noses and vote Republican regardless of how noxious the candidate is. When their livelihoods are literally at stake and the liberal response is "Well you should have gone to college to learn a new skill or trade" it makes sense that they are corralled right into the arms of conservatives. Economic drivers are the most powerful force behind the conservative movement right now, not culture bullshit that deep down they don't really care about. It doesn't help that very few people understand the relationship between "the economy" as outlined by experts and "the economy" as experienced when paying for groceries or filling up their car at the pump. It doesn't matter that conservatives almost never deliver on their promises to fix the economy and often end up sending the nation into a recession, if bad decisions on a national scale lead to temporary relief on a local scale for some, that's what they will remember when voting next time.

Liberals need to be doing more to bring disenfranchised voters into the fold. Educating them without being condescending or dismissive would be an excellent start. Turning down the temperature in politics is not possible without also lowering the stakes, backing off of hardline positions in the short term might be the most effective way of undermining support for terrible conservative candidates.

[-] Furbag@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

I have never cared so strongly about something that I felt it was appropriate to harass someone via Twitter for their views on it.

I'll be negatively judging them, sure, but I'm not going to flood their DMs with death threats. That's some basement dwelling troglodyte bullshit right there.

[-] Furbag@lemmy.world 7 points 3 days ago

Oh, good, all the reddit-brained morons I used to argue with on /r/politics will finally accept that DJT thinks people who say snopes.com is a liberal website are wrong. For once, we agree.

[-] Furbag@lemmy.world 22 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Normal people don't hang out with klansman, we beat the shit out of them.

These people are far from normal. They're downright weird.

[-] Furbag@lemmy.world 34 points 4 days ago

I don't normally pick at the physical appearances of people just for the sake of it, but I've noticed that Trump attracts a certain type of follower. Take a look at the people in the background of the next Trump rally and tell me what you see.

Those people and these people are the same. Just a bunch of trashy hillbillies. These klansmen are not the fringe supporters of Trump's cult, they're the ones down in the front. Like wax statues melting in the sun, their eyes glazed over enraptured as word salad pours out of Donald Trump's mouth.

And don't say "well that guy wearing the klan outfit is just a troll, the other people there are not associated with that!". If you've got one Nazi in a bar full of people, you're in a Nazi bar. If you've got one klansman at a Trump rally, you're at a klan rally.

[-] Furbag@lemmy.world 7 points 4 days ago

CNN should take some notes. That's what moderators are supposed to do.

[-] Furbag@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago

Report to the nearest Ordo Hereticus branch office for immediate punitive correction and summary execution.

[-] Furbag@lemmy.world 7 points 5 days ago

100% this right here. The owner-class have been deluding themselves for damn near 100 years at this point that we're not working long enough or hard enough. Henry Ford figured out exactly how much work he could squeeze out of an assembly line peon, set the requirement at exactly that point, and structured the entire operation around that 8 hours a day, five days per week quotient.

The modern CEO runs on feelings of "Well I work 12 hours per day 7 days per week, so it's not much to ask that my rank-and-file workers put in an extra hour or two per day for the sake of the company!" while discounting or ignoring the fact that there's a compensation gap of approximately 100x or more. Not everybody is CEO-brained enough to pull a 12 hour day every day and still have energy left over to perform basic functions in what little free time they have remaining that isn't dedicated to sleeping.

In reality, we need to be organizing to force companies to start paying us what they owe, and if they don't want to match our salaries with the astronomical increase in production that has taken place over the years thanks to computerization and automation, then they need to let us have more time off from work without a reduction in pay. It's only fair.

[-] Furbag@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago

Trump could be in a vegetative state, literally medically braindead, and Trump voters would still line up to cast their ballots for him.

That's what happens when you have a cult of personality, it takes on a life of it's own and becomes more of an identity than an ideology. They don't care what Trump stands for or even if Trump stands, all that matters is that they are Trump people and they only want to associate with their kind.

For the rest of us, things like fitness and policy matter, which is why Biden was held to account and Trump will never be. There is no line that cannot be crossed.

[-] Furbag@lemmy.world 30 points 6 days ago

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