Seems like their homemade ones were working pretty well at a fraction of the cost.
I pretty much agree with you. Voting just gives "them" an idea of what we will put up with.
I wish we could organize like the religious right has. With a minority position they have made amazing changes. I suspect they will destroy democracy before we're able to learn and apply their strategy.
They should have, but it probably wouldn't make a difference. The superdelegates controlled the nomination.
Any consumer electronics is difficult to get into. Certainly the auto industry. Railroads. It's difficult to start an ISP, even a non profit one. I think the list goes on.
Or people stop speeding.
Hopefully this change will alleviate that problem.
People don't speed because they are distracted. People speed because they think they are better than average drivers; every damn one of them.
I hate rocket on my pizza!