
joined 2 weeks ago
[–] 14 points 9 hours ago

this makes me think of the dilbert where the lazy guy talks about reusing code from payroll on this project for airline software and warns his workmates to not fly on payday.


I think in the past I mentioned the artist puts in a comment on the site and often a different comment in the rollover text. If you like the comic todays is a particularly good one to go to the site for Also I once again posted this initially to a wrong community. I have no idea how I manage to do these things.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Ugh. I have the unfortunate situation that my favorite superheroes are doctor strange for marvel and green lantern for dc. I had sorta forgotten I had picked up multiverse of madness to watch. I was sorta meh on the first movie and was hoping the second would redeem it. To make matters worse I was sick of meh media in general and had finally decided to rewatch the firefly series. Firefly and lord of the rings are basically my two favorite things. I was putting off rewatching as long as I could. I had watched the broadcast and then rewatched when I bought the dvd (seeing the unaired episodes for the first time). I then did not watch till I broke down recently. Anway it was just after I noticed I had gotten multiverse of madness and was like. Oh boy I should watch that. It was so not better than the meh first. I had not watched a marvel movie since avengers endgame outside of deadpool and guardians of the galaxy. Sooooooo disappointing. (sorry the firefly thing was me trying to explain how watching something I liked a lot did not help with a movie I did not like at all. May have made it worse. I keep wondering that if maybe I watched something garbagey enough before hand that it would have seemed alright by comparison)


This is a rare departure from the usual setting.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

most I ever had was ten but that was at a public institution. My average is five or six.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

Back at the start of the millenium. Way before even one day work from home was common. I worked at a place where if you were sick and did not take a sick day they expected you to work from home. You would get some ribbing for being in the office and coughing. That place was great. Also always had hand sanitizer and tissue.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I sorta don't understand this. A TB vaccine has definately been around for awhile and the article does not seem to say what would make this one special. Is it the same vaccine with the thing they says makes vaccines more potent added and they are just not adding it???

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

These are bs issues they use to keep people away from noticing how they are tearing everything apart and selling it off to go in their own pockets. Nobody is forced to use prefered or proper gender terms. Source. High school. Including gym teachers.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

oh yeah I have watched video but I have never been able to handle cool things like this. Someday at a show maybe.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago

Were I am at they have some busses that stop at the next intersection if you ring the bell and others that will only stop at designated stops. I always thought they put stops at places they predict people will want to get on and off like government buildings and major private areas like malls and then strewn ones in between at approximate set distances (every mile or two or several). Then I figure they adjust based on if people ring the bell to get off often.

[–] 5 points 2 days ago (2 children)

thing about things like this is it so wants you to be able to actually be able to play with it and see how the action is handled. photos like this are practically torture.

[–] 11 points 2 days ago

Because the ignoring of congressional law and judicial orders is intentional but what are they going to do. impeach me. so sick of those guys I can't wait till we start rounding them up and shooting them.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago

You could put the iso on a hard drive partition and just boot like that to get better performance. Or if you use a distro like puppy linux that run completely in memory and save state to a drive you will get even better preformance and you will be able to save all your changes.

[–] -1 points 2 days ago

yes but remember it artifically inflates so the amount of coal its worth is always going higher. You need way more coal to make one down than you did ten years ago.


I find the youngest baby kid trying to brush the husbands hair to be funny.


So I started using piefed last weekend so I used it for a week including bumper weekends. I think I will make this my main but I have to say my feelings on it are very love/hate. Im really surprised at how conflicted I am.

The good: The setting options. Wow. Being able to tell it how to react to NSWF tags is the main reason this will become my maine. At some point in the future I think the thresholds may become useful but I put them massively high as I would like for now to turn it off. The federation is small enough still its unnecessary but again will likely be handy in the future. I love the keyword options and also a big reason to make it my main. Oh and being able to make bot posts semi-transparent. Huge. Its also great the way so many options can be done from the three button interface of every post in the feed. Oh and seeing a bit of the body of posts in the feed. Huge.

The bad: Its great you can do stuff from the three dot menu of posts but it stinks you can't seem to do it anywhere else. Im used to from mbin being able to have a block button when im at a url, or a community, or a user and it feels wierd having to go to the three dot of one of the posts to get there. Im used to being able to click to see all communities rather than having to go to a post and click on it there. Getting to the list of communities is just obtuse with several steps. It would be great if these things could be done in both ways though as I really like being able to do a lot without leaving the feed, but also sometimes its nice to have all the options about a thing when your on its main page be it user or community or such. This part is really a trunoff and why I get the love hate. I love all the options and what I can do but the interface sorta turns me off because of the simple one clicks that are not present.

The ugly: Surprisingly the grouping thing is really cool but I find it in the end not so useful. As the federation stands now I like to puruse all with some exceptions. Sure it was easy enough to not get sports stuff by not choosing the group but some other things just have to be blocked. Like I don't like communities that are by and large meme postings but those can be strewn about communities. I like gaming but I block communities about games I have no interest in. I want fediverse meta stuff but don't care for smartphones so any of the ones about specific apps I still have to block. In the end it means the grouping thing which I think is piefeds main stick. It did very little for me. I also find I still have to block communities in languages I can't communicate in that bleed through the language preference.

Just to reiterate. All said and done I think this will become my main.


Granted I would like to live in a more civil society and I thought we were at least going in that direction for about half my life but the rate we have been falling in the second half has been very sobering.


Have not heard one this good since the united healthcare one.


I think this is the first occurrence of other peoples angels but I could be wrong.


Not just a bit of snow mind you. We are talking a couple of inches. So not some flurries or a slight coating. Thats it. Just had to share.


I find todays hilarious. I really need to find someone who kept better notes.


I assume she knows everything in the area is not sprayed with any type of *acide.


This comic does not normally have titles, but this one does.


Give it a chance. He comes at it showing sorta a worse case and then goes through how there are things that make it seem worse are actually not as bad. Nothing he goes through seems to be way off. So as far as I can tell its pretty even take. Not to rosy and not to doomy.

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