What about hating Americans and wanting to [[redacted]] them? Which would you suggest?
And Netanyahu's as well. Fuck the USA AND Israel.
A country losing its way and straying far off from the ideals it originally strived for, becoming the very thing it fought against without realizing. That describes both the USA and Israel to a T.
Americans are not a race or ethnicity. And they're the N@Zs for electing Trump and doing nothing to prevent his plans to annex Canada. Stop with the persecution complex.
"WhAt AbOuT" ism won't get you anywhere. This is your mess which you created. Admit responsibility and start cleaning it up, or be complicit. Those are your only two options.
Takes even bigger assholes to elect someone who generalizes as their leader and wannabe dictator. I mean we don't refer to them as USA-holes without good reason!
Not at all, just Americans. They chose to elect Trump and are all passively letting him destroy democracy and the sovereignty of Canada.
And you probably still won't do anything if Trump invades Canada. Just as many Germans didn't do anything as Jews were being persecuted and later murdered.
You're certainly not alone. They are truly scum and I wish they would go extinct. Every single one of them is vile.