Source for any of this? Would be interested to know more about these points.
While it is humorous that many gun nuts had their data sold and targeted by an algorithm, the real surprised pikachu goes to anyone thinking that this is unique to guns.
You mean this text in the current version:
U.S.-Taiwan Relations The U.S. and Taiwan enjoy a robust unofficial relationship. The 1979 U.S.-P.R.C. Joint Communique switched diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing. In the Joint Communique, the U.S. recognized the Government of the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal government of China, acknowledging the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China.>
That was there in the first Wayback Machine archive on May 16 2019:
U.S.-Taiwan Relations The U.S. and Taiwan enjoy a robust unofficial relationship. The 1979 U.S.-P.R.C. Joint Communique switched diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing. In the Joint Communique, the U.S. recognized the Government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legal government of China, acknowledging the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China.>
Not defending the current administration, but what's the point of hilighting this? With everything going on pointing this out seems like disinformation.
Ha. I think that was in the further reading section of the Wikipedia article. You’re not wrong. I was just providing a this is what happened historically…
See Worcester v. Georgia essentially two states attempted to secede and the federal government stepped in (after first defying the court) to save the union. Does not bode well for the union at this point in history.
This is 100% correct.
Also don’t discount the economic system working as intended. If I get off the hamster wheel to “riot,” my family quickly loses basic necessities.
Once my best alternative to a negotiated resolution moves off that reality (meaning keep my head down and my family will get through this) more options become available. The system is designed to keep a critical majority on the wheel.
Don’t forget they are not being released in isolation. They have existing networks and just proved their loyalty to the cause.
Please don’t sleep on JD Vance. While Trump is selling out the constitution, he is the tip of the want-to-be authoritarian spear: Is There Something More Radical than MAGA? JD Vance Is Dreaming It.
This is why there is a push to end fact checking on the internet. It’s not about a free press any longer. The internet briefly broke the capitalist stranglehold on the dissemination of information. Somewhere along the way the ruling class realized it was easier to break the internet rather than control it.
AI will train on unverified claims and further “flood the zone” so that it becomes increasingly difficult to know what is and isn’t. Eventually it won’t matter if someone “brings the receipts” to back up their claims because there will be support for every conclusion.
Local IRL community networks linked together through regional and national verified connections will be the only way to truly know what is going on. This becomes increasingly difficult to do as more and more waking hours need to be devoted to earning a wage to trade for basic necessities.
We are all waiting for the revolution not realizing we have been losing a war the whole time.
Some More News- Trans People Are Real and Detransitioning Isn't That Common