Second Navidrome. I use it with the android app Symfonium and have thoroughly enjoyed it.

[-] 18 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

This is offensively uninformed and misguided. Giving your very life to protest the way your people are being oppressed, how your people are being slaughtered, is maybe one of the most heroic things you can do. It's wrong that these people felt they had to give their lives. Not that they did. If we lived in a just world, people wouldn't have to martyr themselves to draw attention to genocide.

The suicide letter you're referencing in the first paragraph has literally nothing to do with the subject of this post or my previous comment. You're trying to conflate suicidal attempts and ideation from mental health problems with martyrdom. They're not the same thing. And I know that you know that, and you conflating self-immolation to protest genocide with suicide over peer rejection is disgusting on both sides.

"To advance a political or military agenda of an organization" is such a wild misunderstanding of why Thích Quảng Đức died that I'm almost convinced you skimmed the article just to find out if what he did was effective without even glancing at why he did it. If you're going to look him up, I gave his name so you could do, have the decency to learn why he died.

His self-immolation was actually a defining moment at the end of the Diệm government. Him and his peers were absolutely successful in drawing international attention to what was being done to buddhists in South Vietnam, and the picture taken of him burning is one of the most famous pictures ever taken.

[-] 28 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

How is ensuring his message is heard celebrating suicide? Are you saying it's better if we ignore this message that he felt so strongly about as to literally end his life? What in God's name are you trying to say? He ended his life in an act of protest against the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestine. The idea that we should not respond to that is genuinely offensive. Your description of him as scared and lonely without even knowing him is also genuinely offensive.

I have lost friends to suicide. I myself have been suicidal. I don't know anyone who ended their lives by committing acts of self immolation in front of a genocidal colonial nation's consulate.

What about the Vietnamese monks who self immolated in protest of the persecution of buddhists in South Vietnam? Thích Quảng Đức was one of them. His action is regarded as heroic. It would be offensive to suggest that his message in death not be remembered. It would also be offensive to suggest that he killed himself for some other reason. As though there's no conceivable motivation someone could have for taking their own life other than mental health problems.

[-] 5 points 3 days ago

I deleted my comment, not really in the mood to argue the many flaws of the judicial system today.

But it's noteworthy that I don't believe such a thing as "rule of law" is ever achievable without corruption and that there exist only varying degrees of corruption but more or less every judicial system on earth is corrupt to some extent. I made a much longer writeup responding to you, but again, I felt that I'd rather not spend my day arguing this.

Long and short, the only way the current system works is if you assume that all politicians are acting in good faith and that all voters have equal political power. Neither of these is true on a foundational level, and that is reflected in widespread corruption and manipulation of appointed judges.

[-] 122 points 1 week ago

The article actually explains that the mushroom is essentially being hijacked for some of its sensory abilities, like light and heat. The mushroom is connected to an electronic circuit. The electronics make decisions about what to do based on the mushrooms' sensory observations.

It's a clickbait title, but the article does clarify.

[-] 47 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

They have released a guide on making a CLR (basically several different pieces of lab equipment controlled to automate some of the process) and software to run on it to assist in the process of making the medications. Specifically to try and improve consistency of the medications produced.

It's a really great cause. Worth reading the article. If someone had to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars cost to access life-saving medication, and they couldn't afford it, something like this could legitimately save their life.

[-] 21 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

True. A lot of drugs you can perform tests on. But there is an inherent risk. I don't think making medicine at home is going to be many people's first choice. I think the people most likely to pursue this are those for whom obtaining medication other ways is not possible. When the government makes it impossible for someone to obtain health care, either due to literally making it illegal or by allowing it to become completely unaffordable for working class people, then they have to resort to other options.

With patience and diligent work it is possible to make many medications with (by comparison) significantly cheaper resources. And if someone were to do this, presumably, there are others who also have similar needs for the medications being produced. Which is how community medicine networks are formed. DIY Hormone replacement medications for trans people living in places where it's illegal for them to access medication, or otherwise extremely difficult often access medicines made through networks like that.

This isn't really a new thing, but the ease of access certainly is.

[-] 24 points 2 weeks ago

Yep. Telecom corporations are essentially uncriticizable. Even media pushback doesn't do anything. Everyone knows they're pure evil and it doesn't affect them in any way.

[-] 5 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

We should never have to accept being a side issue. It should categorically be unacceptable for the political party that is protecting our rights to show passivity in the face of what is happening to us.

I don't believe that being passive on trans issues benefits them whatsoever in terms of votes. Transphobia in the US is closely aligned with American neo fascism. Transphobes are never going to vote Democrat. So what is gained by being silent about us? Like materially, how is that a good political move? All it does is make their support for minority rights seem vacant. Trump and his ilk show up to rallies and rant and rave about us. About how we're demons. How we're vile and repulsive and how we should be ostracized and ridiculed and locked away from society.

And the Democrat response at the DNC is to say nothing? How can that be a good political move? And what does that say to the American people about trans people? Our rights aren't worth any vocal pushback. Obviously, a platform of passive acceptance is better than a platform of hate. But our rights matter, and our suffering matters. Progressive politicians should be actively pushing back as much as possible against the transphobic platform of the republican party.


I havent gone swimming in around a decade, and now that I'm a little over a year post up I really want to but I'm still so nervous to actually go and buy a swimsuit. 😅 there's something intimidating or nerve wracking about the process.

Anyone have experiences buying swimsuits? Is there any tips going in I should know? I think I know what style I want, a 2 piece with high waisted bottoms and a top with an underwire.


I was thinking of making a community engagement post last week in the run up to the Easter weekend and transgender day of visibility, but it got lost under a recent promotion at work and a few busy days.

So yeah how was your Easter weekend / TDoV? 😊 Most of my family is on vacation so I just had a quiet weekend at home with my partner. All the drama that went down with TDoV landing on Easter Sunday was.. unsettling to say the least. I hope everyone was able to weather that storm of hate and propaganda safely.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to quickly add that the finalized format for requesting engagement has been decided. A commenter in the other thread suggested a similar format. (Thank you

At the start of the body of your post, not in the title, the first line should look like the following.

[Requesting Engagement from _________]

For clarity purposes, this is the official way to request specific engagement groups. I'll respect other methods, but this way, it keeps things nice and transparent.


I'm starting to hit a bit of a wall with voice training lately. I can find my resonance, I can adjust the positioning of my vocal cords and where my voice is coming from. I occasionally pass on the phone, and I work all day over the phone so I do get pretty regular indirect feedback in terms of how my voice gets me gendered.

But I am very much struggling with pitch and maintaining consistent pitch. It's just not happening and even when everything else is perfect my pitch will slip, and then I'll get misgendered. I cant seem to find a specific pitch and comfortably rest there. I'm also 8 years in at this point, I've been doing voice training for a long time and I just think when it comes down to it I might be one of the women for whom training alone just isn't enough.

I've done a lot of research into glottoplasty and find myself in a financial position where I could hypothetically afford it. Most accounts from people who've had the procedure seem to indicate they've had great results with it, but there's a lot of people who swear that it'll basically render me mute if I get it done. Its minimally invasive and the surgeon I'm considering has good rapport with his patients and I'm confident he'd do great. But on the whole I'm hesitating a little bit and curious what other people think. I do IT work that involves using the phone quite a bit, but if I had to take time off work for a little while that would almost certainly be fine. I don't sing and really don't have any concerns with regard to vocal range either.

Are you considering vocal feminization surgery? Why or why not? Have you experienced similar things with regards to voice training, or has training alone been enough for you?

Feel free to chime in with whatever thoughts you have on the operation or voice training in general.


Seems weirdly unintuitive that we can't already. Its also weird that swiping from the left while in your profile profile doesn't pull out the sidebar.


So say my main page is sorted TopSixHours, but I open a community and change the sort there to New. Would it be possible for Jerboa to continue to sort that community by New when I open it in the future?

Hello everyone! (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

I'm LadyAutumn and I'm the moderator of this community. I hope everyone has enjoyed their time on Lemmy thus far. This space is very much still developing, but its nice feeling like a transfem community is developing here.

I myself migrated to lemmy from reddit just last week, and created this community initially to mimic the subreddit r/mtf. I used that subreddit a lot, and loved having a place to talk with other people who understand what I'm going through. I knew if I'm going to use this platform long term, that on lemmy I would want a community for transfeminine people.

This space isn't on reddit though, and isn't controlled by or related to the moderation team of r/mtf. So things here won't be exactly the same. I want this to be a community for news, for advice, for trans joy, for discussions and questions, and whatever else we want to have here. I want this space to be community controlled and for everyone to have an influence on what this community is and how it is moderated. That will mean polls and community posts and whenever they come up I'd encourage everyone to participate in them. This is a space for us, and we all should have a say.

Also thank you for hosting the instance that is hosting this community. She's doing this without any profit motive and has been working hard to keep up with the huge influx of users around here lately. She's awesome and has already been an active part of this community.

I figured I'd make a post sharing my perspective on this community and what I think it should be. If you have any thoughts or suggestions please feel free to share them. :)

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

The results of the poll showed a clear preference for the title to be Transfem. The link to the community will still show !mtf but everywhere else it will show "Transfem".

The results were:

Transfem - 41/53

MtF - 12/53

The banner has been updated to reflect the new community name. :)

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Inspired by the mtf subreddit and hosted on the instance.

General link - MtF

Instance relative link - MtF

view more: next ›


joined 1 year ago