I would be really interested to hear/read your story as I am also investigating to use NuGet private feeds! I’m learning how to at the moment, as we aren’t using NuGet to distribute packages, yet.

Personally, I have colour-capable bulbs in my bedroom (paired with a smart switch). Using Adaptive lighting (https://github.com/basnijholt/adaptive-lighting) was a breeze to setup and offers more capabilities than I even need.

That’s an impressive stack you were able to build. How long did it take you?

Thank you for the good work you (and the mods-to-be) are doing. Seeing this community grows is awesome!


Hello all,

I'd like to get a bit of your help to get me started in the right direction.

I have a project that, I think is simple :

  • Trigger : I press a Zigbee action button
  • Expected result : Music is playing in my Bluetooth headphones and will stop in 30 minutes.

The gotchas that I have, for now :

  • The source file of the music is actually Tidal (a streaming platform similar to Spotify, but better).
  • My Home Assistant installation lives in a VM and has no Bluetooth capability
  • I have both a RPI3B and a ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1-N8 to my disposal

So, far, my researched lead me to come with this solution.
1 - Install Logitech Media Server (aka LMS or SqueezeServer) [Done]
2 - Install Tidal Plugin on LMS [Done]
3 - Flash my ESP32 with SqueezeLite-esp32 [Not done].
4 - Craft an automation to glue everything together. [Obviously, not done]

The problem I think I have is that my ESP32-S3 doesn't meet the 4MB PSRAM required by the SqueezeLite-esp32. Before purchasing another ESP32 with more PSRAM, I wanted to ask if you thought that I understood this properly?

Other solutions that I haven't thought of? Would using Volumio be a better solution?

Thanks for your help!

Ratio Six prepared with water (to the 4 cups mark) and ground coffee (35 g) before going to be on the eve. Wake up, press the button, and get delicious coffee in ~6 minutes.

Man, that’s many levels deep.

Why not do both ? As I understand it, to do kubernetes clusters, you must have at least 3 hosts. They don’t need to be 3 different physical hosts: they could be VM (hosted on Proxmox).

Proxmox also having a very strong implementation of ZFS, then it could be used as the storage « host », and it gives you also the option to do snapshots of the VM (and the storage pool), as well as replication/etc.


joined 1 year ago