Yeah sadly the consolidated the more nefarious regime change part into the state department.
It’s fine I wasn’t very clear with my reply so I see how it could be misconstrued. You’re clearly still traumatised from the original argument lol.
Are you talking to me? I said that racism was traditionally used as a tool to divide working class movements so anti racism and class war go hand in hand. Trying to have one without the other is a classic way to divide working people against each other. Pretty weird how you read what I wrote and assumed I’m a racist.
Funny because racism is a classic way to neuter class war
Ya the media sucks. Best thing you can do for your sanity is ignore it. World events happen, sadly you won’t be able to influence most of them.
I’m aware of all of this.
I’m not in the position to impose anything on any one.
Zhou Enlai was an interesting politician I agree. I still think sexual freedom and women’s rights and the right to openly criticise your government aren’t some niche western value though and I’m sure lots of Russian citizens would enjoy having some of the same freedoms I have.
I mean unless yog is putin then no I wasn’t attacking them personally.
The internet is a crappy medium for communication, but I’m a broke shut in.
I would say being socially conservative makes Russia more right wing than the state I currently live in. We still have social democracy here as well (although obviously neo libs want to gut it) and I would rather live here than in Russia right now. Judging by all rich ass Russians i have known here it seems to be the case for them as well (Then again borders only ever really exist for us plebs.)
I literally hated all that lib/nazi Russians are orcs bullshit. I’m sure Russia would be a pretty awesome place if Putin didn’t hate queers and women and try push the church down people’s throats but sadly he kinda does do that. So I’m not in a rush to pack my bags and move yet.
There are also some pretty chill creative people who don’t care about the money and the fame much. Even though having money is nice and makes your life much easier.