[-] MapleEngineer@lemmy.world 20 points 13 hours ago

They weren't duped. They gleefully and knowingly pushed anti-American propaganda in support of the Project 2025 Handmaid's Tale christofascist theocratic dictatorship. They knew where the money was coming from but didn't care.

[-] MapleEngineer@lemmy.world 4 points 23 hours ago

I've owned guns for almost 40 years. I fully support the restrictions on gun ownership in Canada. If you're buying a gun for how it looks, for how it makes you feel, or for how you think it makes other people feel you shouldn't own guns. Guns aren't jewelry. They aren't a fashion statement. They're a tool. The argument that they are functionally the same falls flat on its face when you challenge them to use the functionally equivalent walnut stocked field gun because they aren't buying it for how it works, they're buying it for how it looks.

[-] MapleEngineer@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

Naked with a pocket knife or no balls.

[-] MapleEngineer@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

The gun nuts always argue that they should be able to have the scary guns because they are no more deadly than the hunting guns. If they're functionally the same buy the hunting gun unless you're buying it for how it looks. If you're buying it for how it looks you shouldn't have guns.

[-] MapleEngineer@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

Not in Canada. It's actually possible to hunt using rifles that aren't modled on weapons of war.

[-] MapleEngineer@lemmy.world -2 points 5 days ago

I see the vegan brigade has arrived to try to silence me with impotent Lemmy downvotes. Welcome, everyone!

[-] MapleEngineer@lemmy.world -3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Profiting off the suffering of others isn’t acceptable behavior. Establishments that do so should be boycotted where possible and practicable. I think protest is a justified response.

Abuse. Torture. Murder.

Vegan extremists throw those words around like they are universal facts of animal farming. They are in large concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) which is what the things that you might refer to as, "factory farms" are actually called. Small family farms, homesteads, and crofts treat their animals far better than CAFOs do. Animals aren't abused or tortured on most family farms. When you use ridiculous inflammatory language like that most people stop listening to anything else you have to say.

Given two scenarios where I’m potentially wrong, the one where I’m mistaken and vegan is the one with a substantially more ethical outcome than the one where I’m mistaken and not vegan.

The issue isn't you being vegan. Take the back of your hand off your forehead and calm down. I don't care what you eat. If you want to eat vegan eat vegan. The problem is that the extremists start throwing around words like carnist, corpse muncher, blood mouth, cadaver, murder, etc. and no one takes them seriously anymore. I do the same thing when the extreme right uses the word, "woke" or the trans extremists use the word, "terf". It immediately causes me to stop caring about anything else they have to say.

[-] MapleEngineer@lemmy.world 1 points 5 days ago

What exactly do you think I'm misrepresenting? Have you heard of the Antler Kitchen and Bar in Toronto and the months of threats, harassment, and abuse that was hurled at the owner and patrons in attempt to bully them into not eating meat?

[-] MapleEngineer@lemmy.world 1 points 5 days ago

Yes, I'm definitely picking the worst examples to illustrate my point just as someone else used the word, "murder" (the killing of one human being by another) four times when referring to non-humans.

I haven't seen any posts come up in All where I said, "That looks really good. I would eat that." I remember several photos of puddles of lumpy goo where I thought, "Ew".

I've eaten plenty of vegetarian and vegan meals that I thought were delicious. I have no problem with vegetarians or vegans. I have a real problem with extremists no matter how they mistakenly believe that they are absolutely superior.

[-] MapleEngineer@lemmy.world 0 points 5 days ago

Its not really the eating meat part thats the bad bit, its that you have to murder an animal to get the meat. Notice there is no problem with lab meat or plant based meat.

The word you're looking for is, "kill". "Murder" is the killing of one human being by another. Using the word, "murder" ro refer to the killing of an animal is a bad faith attempt to use inappropriate inflammatory language to push your agenda.

I would hope everyone would aspire to exceed the standard of “does not murder things”.

Again, it's not murder. It's killing, but it's not murder. If you want to be taken seriously use the correct word.

And yes I would argue that someone’s morals that allows them to murder anything, is almost always worse than someone’s morals that does not allow murdering.

You're really fixated on murder but it's the wrong word. It's killing. You will plants when you eat them. You kill bacteria when you wash. Things die. It's part of the cycle of life. Some things die and are consumed by other things.

[-] MapleEngineer@lemmy.world 0 points 5 days ago

Most people only ever hear anything from the extremists so you get painted with the same brush. I have friends who are vegans who are amazing people. I go out of my way to accommodate them. You are getting hate because of a very small group of fanatics who believe that they are absolutely morally superior and that that absolute moral superiority justified doing and saying anything to anyone who doesn't agree with them in an attempt to shame, harass, and intimidate them into doing what they are told.

[-] MapleEngineer@lemmy.world -1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Have your considered simply minding your own business? No one wants you to serve them anything. The simply want you to keep your false sense of moral superiority and sanctimonious comments to yourself. It's really quite simple.


I liked the contrast between the yellow bedspread and the black cat.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by MapleEngineer@lemmy.world to c/icecream@lemmy.world

I've got it loaded with 8 flavors.


Smarties (Canadian)


York Peppermint Pattie

Aztec Chocolate

Skor Bits

Skor Bar

Milk Chocolate Almond Crunch

I hope the kids (and their sibkings and parents and the other team and the umpire) like it.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by MapleEngineer@lemmy.world to c/icecream@lemmy.world

This is probably my favorite ice cream shop. It's located on Fairmont Avenue at Gladstone in Ottawa, Ontario CANADA. They make awesome ice cream including a large vegan selection. You can buy it by the scoop in cones or bowls, as ice cream based treats, in pints, or my favorite, in milkshakes.

I had a delicious chocolate milk shake this afternoon and it was absolutely delicious. It's not one of those nasty extruded frozen treat things you get at fast food restaurants. It starts with three scoops of hard ice cream and milk and they mix it right in front of you.

If you're in Ottawa please go by and check them out. They're good people and make great ice cream.


So much ice cream. (lemmy.world)

I've been making ice cream. My son's softball team plays in a tournament in a couple of weeks. We have what we call the cake challenge where if they do any one of a number of things (hit the fence, score a home run, get a double play, get a bunt double) I'll make a cake and bring it to the next game. I've done it three times so far this year. I Decided that for the tournament I would make ice cream.

So far I've made:

No Nuts

22 x Vanilla

17 x Aztec Chocolate

12 x Smartie

11 x York Peppermint Pattie

12 x Oreo


12 x Milk Chocolate Almond Crunch

24 x Skor Bits

12 x Skor Bar

That's 122 x 125 ml cups.

I hope that's enough.

Oreo Ice Cream (lemmy.world)

This is just my standard vanilla ice cream base (500 ml 35% cream, 1 L 10% cream, 300 g sugar, 15 ml vanilla extract) with chopped Oreo cookies. I put 12 cookies in each batch and each batch makes twelve 125 ml cups so each cup has a full cookie in it.

Ice Cream (lemmy.world)

I went looking for an ice cream focused community in the lemmy.world federated fediverse and couldn't find anything so I created one.

The Ice Cream community is focused on ice cream. Homemade ice cream, recipes, pictures, stories, good commercial ice cream, your favourite ice cream treat or favorite ice cream shop.

I make homemade ice cream and am in the middle of a run. I have made vanilla, (Canadian) Smartie, and milk chocolate almond cluster so far but I have a few more to make before I'm done.

I've posted my favourite ice cream base recipe and a recipe for spicy Aztec Chocolate Ice cream.

If you're a fan of ice cream come check it out.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by MapleEngineer@lemmy.world to c/icecream@lemmy.world

I recorded a short video of the Cuisinart ICE-50 churning a batch of vanilla ice cream. The ICE-50 is a now discontinued and no longer supported with spare parts self-chilling ice cream machine. You just pour in the base, turn it on, and it makes a batch of ice cream in about 45 minutes.

The lumps you see are more frozen pieces of ice cream. It freezes on the wall of the tub and is scraped off by the paddle creating a slurry of more and less frozen ice cream. Once it's put into a container and frozen it's nice and smooth.

I would highly recommend the ICE-50 to anyone who is interested in ice cream making. They have not been made or supported for years but our two are tanks and just keep going. I can't offer an opinion on the newer machines other than to say if you buy one buy spare parts for everything you can. A motor arm, two stem and paddle assemblies or two of each if you buy them individually, a bucket, and at least four covers. That will keep you going for 20 or 30 years as long as the machine keeps running.

Kids! (lemmy.world)

Yesterday, I was filling 125 ml cups with ice cream. I got 12 cups filled and in the freezer and had less than 125 ml left so I walked over and handed my 15 year old son the tub and the spoon that I was using to fill the cups.


Me: How did you like the ice cream?

Son: It was great. What kind of berries were those?

Me: What berries?

Son: The ones in the ice cream.

Me: Did you not taste them?

Son: No, I don't like berries.

Me: They were (Canadian) Smarties (see NOTE).

Son: Smarties?

Me: Yes. You really should try things that I hand you.

Son: [Nomming on the smarties left in the bottom of the container covered in melted vanilla chocolate.] Uh huh.

NOTE: Canadian Smarties are like M&Ms but with milkier, smoother, better quality chocolate.


We've had the machine on the right for years. We bought it new. We bought the one on the left at the Liquidators restaurant auction. I've got vanilla base in both. I'm going to put one batch in the freezer for the family and the other in 125 ml cups for my sons softball team. (Canadian) Smartie, I think.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by MapleEngineer@lemmy.world to c/icecream@lemmy.world

This is a picture of the side of my market ice cream freezer. It's a bar fridge sized vertical freezer that I put in the back of my van and run off the van's AC power to get to market then switch over to a small, very quiet generator at market. These cards have magnetic strips on the back so they stick to the freezer and I can move them to the back when a flavour sells out.

Most of our ice cream starts with the same vanilla base recipe.


1 L (4 cups) table (10%) cream (Half and Half in the US)

300 g (1 1/2 cup) granulated sugar

500 ml (2 cups) whipping (35%) cream

15 ml (1 tablespoon) vanilla extract

I add 250 ml to 500 ml of whatever the addition is. (See NOTE 1)


Pour the 10% cream into a 2 L (8 cup) container.

Add the sugar and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. (See NOTE 2)

Add the 35% cream and vanilla extract and stir to mix.

Cover the container and put it into the fridge to chill or add it directly to your machine.

NOTE 1: If I'm using (Canadian) Smarties (like M&Ms but better) I use less because they pack very densely. If I'm adding nuts or something that packs more loosely I use more. When I'm making raspberry or blackberry or other fruit ice cream I use about 300 ml of mascerated berries (add about 12.5 g (1 tablespoon) of granulated sugar to the berries then mash them coarsely with a fork. Set them aside for 30 minutes or so to mascerate.) If you're using raspberries or blackberries or any other berries in the family always add them at the very end, just before the ice cream is finished or better, stir them in by hand after the ice cream is frozen. Berries in the family will produce very airy, almost foamy ice cream if added at the beginning.

NOTE 2: The sugar will not dissolve easily in the 35% cream or a mix of the 35% cream and 10% cream. It's much easier to dissolve it in the 10% cream then to add the 35% cream once it's dissolved.


This is a home made 18% milk fat ice cream with cinnamon and cayenne. It starts as a rich, creamy chocolate ice cream with a hit of cinnamon then it brings the burn.

The is a great ice cream for people who want a bit of pain with their pleasure.

Aztec Chocolate Ice Cream


500 ml (2 cups) whipping cream (35%)

150 g (1 1/2 cup) granulated sugar

50 g (6 tablespoons) unsweetened Dutch-process cocoa powder

1 1/4 teaspoons ground cinnamon

1/8 teaspoon salt

2 teaspoons cayenne powder (see NOTE)

85 g (3 ounces) semisweet or bittersweet chocolate, chopped

15 ml (1 tablespoon)vanilla extract

1 L (4 cups) table cream (10%) (Half and Half in the US)


Put the whipping cream, sugar, cocoa, cinnamon, salt, and chili powder in a pot.

Heat over medium heat whisking constantly. It will begin to foam up as it begins to boil. Turn the heat off immediately.

Add the chocolate and stir until it's completely melted.

Add the vanilla then slowly add the 10% cream while stirring (or whisking.)

Put in the fridge for a couple of hours until well chilled.

Put it in your ice cream machine and run it until it's frozen.

Get a bowl, a spoon, and a Kleenex and you're ready for a delicious ice cream experience.

P.S. The tissue is for your runny nose.

NOTE: 2 teaspoons gives this ice cream a nice little burn. You can use more or less to get the heat level you want.

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