Indeed, he's a five star cunt.
the fact that kids can leave school without the first idea of how renting a house, mortgaging a house or how our taxation system works (at least an overview) is rather criminal IMHO.
This is exactly what I had at school. They called it 'Core 'RE'. I learned about hindus, islam, christianity and all sorts of other stuff. It was not a mandatory GCSE though, but you could take an RE GCSE, I did not.
Said it before and I'll say it again:
Reform UK, party by and for billionaires. If elected, they would be like the tories right after injecting a kilo of meth into their eyeballs.
when an M&S Christmas ad is just as risqué an S&M Christmas ad
why does everyone have headlines leaving people thinking straight porridge is banned when it is absolutely not?
lol that's hilarious, well played.
she was also a member of a leftwing protest group.
wonder if they put the same energy into infiltrating far right groups today...
All of them.