[-] NotAnotherLemmyUser@lemmy.world 1 points 20 hours ago

While this is definitely something people should be doing, doesn't the attorney general only act out if they get enough complaints, or if the complaint stands out in some way?

Will they actually work with someone to resolve their specific complaint every time?

From what I've seen, at least the BBB will try to specifically address your issue with the company and is probably a much easier process to carry out before trying to take things further.

Or is there something about using the BBB that would prevent you from filing a complaint with the attorney general, or prevent you from going further with something like a lawsuit?

if not the BBB, then who?

I'm confused.

What prominent figures on the left have said something to the effect of "If we lose, the election was rigged!"??

I can only think of prominent figures on the right who have made statements like this.

Or are you saying that those who are against the 2 party system typically fall under the thinking that the election is rigged?

Same as it ever was.

I doubt this was the case during (and for at least a time after) WWII. But maybe a history buff can correct me. I haven't looked too deeply into how the justice system handled Nazis that far back.

Woah, I wish I had known about this sooner. Thanks!

Yep, I definitely misunderstood that. Thanks for pointing that out.

It's not a perfect system by far and I'm not arguing that.
But we've already seen how removing all privatization from an economy leads to worse outcomes because we have less options, less innovation, and more monopolies.
In my opinion we need to find a balance between the two systems that works best for everyone. Arguing for either extreme doesn't make sense (in my opinion). I would rather see if we can come up with some other solutions that are better than the current system.

Then if they go this route, they better make sure that they clearly define what they mean by a "Recommendation Algorithm" or an "interests-based algorithm" because the opinions of individuals won't hold up in court.

If it's not defined an attorney could easily argue that Lemmy's "Scaled" algorithm is a "recommendation algorithm" and you would hope that the judge understood enough about programming to know where to draw the line.

Hero who appears in you to clear your view when you're too crazy.

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