
joined 2 years ago

. He goes back to the moment before Data blows up and takes him back to get Kirk and Spock

This reads more like a treatment for Star Trek Generations. as if they realized how stupid that movie is, and wanted to fix it

I hope this takes off. I miss the decentralized internet.


I'm watching "Heart of Stone" 3x14 and in this frame from the final scene in Quark's bar, you can see a random Jem'hadar chilling at the bar. that's a pretty major goof, right? this early in the show at least


I'm trying to watch Voyager again(never finished it, dropped it around season 3) and every time i'm watching VOY I think to myself: "why am I watching this when I could be watching DS9?" so I'm mixing both right now.

and the sharp contrast between the Maquis-Starfleet crew drama & Major Kira's dilemma between her roots and her new position is huge. 7 seasons of conflict vs one episode.. Just another way DS9 laps VOY.