Yeah no robber is doing this.
Stalker yes. But most people don't get stalked.
And this is coming from someone who thinks any bumper stickers that contain any words is trashy.
Yeah no robber is doing this.
Stalker yes. But most people don't get stalked.
And this is coming from someone who thinks any bumper stickers that contain any words is trashy.
Hi! My partner is a middle school band teacher. I have been trying to find anything that is music related for her so I can help her classroom workflow.
Any recommendations? Because I honestly can't find anything good. I will check out Sheetable soon.
Yeah, as a past tax accountant, I wouldn't count on it.
Because not only would you need to be updating tax regulation every year (which is completely unpredictable with new laws and interpretations) you would also need to update it for every country and state/providence.
No one should do that for free.
As an amateur hobbyist, I am so glad I found out about docker with github projects. Holy shit made my life a lot easier.
Hi, just joined today. Already love it! I somehow get more interaction on here than I do on reddit.
Definitely looking forward to small communities again.