For sure! I love the whole gadgetry aspect, especially how it bled into pop culture with things like Get Smart and Spy vs Spy.
I was actually born at the "end" of it. I generally am interested in US-Soviet relations and how the Cold War/Communism became a major factor in political campaigns after WWII, specifically the Dewey-Truman upset.
It's funny, all through college I had either older people looking askance at me about why I'd be interested in "ancient" history or peers teasing me about being a Russian asset just for the interest... I just never thought the Cold War actually ended, and when I was in college in the late 2000s, that was a wild take to have lmao
And while they're out there protesting for weeks, months, years, how are they going to feed their kids and keep them from freezing? Being unable to provide shelter and basic necessities to your children is a good way to lose them...
Lemme guess, they should protest about that? I guess now that they have nothing left to lose...
Jfc, you really don't understand why someone might prioritize stability for their family over torching the lives of everyone they love? Try some empathy, man.
Bro, what? Some books take more than 5 years to write and you want their authors to only have authorship of it for 5 years? Wtf. I have published books that are a dozen years old and I'm in my mid-30s. This is an insane take.