Mostly for hobby projects. Just started a small project at work to evaluate if Rust fits for our company.
An easy way to share my screen
- Rust knowledge
- depends on which area you want to work in
Then Rust is the wrong language for you. Use the right tool for the right job.
That's just not true. If you give your 90yo grandma a Windows computer she is gonna struggle hard.
You are a Windows user for now. You need to learn Linux as you learned Windows years ago.
To be honest it seems like it's a specific problem to you. I use Linux desktop for many years and for 3 years exclusively and it's a much better experience for me than Windows (in every aspect).
I think it's just a lack of experience on your side. You are comparing your years of experience on Windows with a OS you barely know.
Just because you are a "power user" on Windows doesn't mean you can handle Linux the same way.
That's true. So I use Rust but I don't use Rust.
No effort meme
That's reverse psychology. They know everyone will lose trust in Rust and go back to memory unsafe languages so they can hack our software again.
- put my tin foil hat aside -
Do you also dislike unix-like kernels?
Please only speak for yourself not for other real devs. Thank you
Really? 50%?