At that point aren't they RC professionals?
I mean, depends what the factory makes
What do you mean backfires?
Pfft, seems perfectly cromulent to me.
Everybody knows Ohio is bad.
Oh, you meant the slang term
Closely followed by surprisedpikachu.jpg when nobody's using it
If the current state of America is any indication, plenty of people didn't teach their kids that
While not exactly a bouncer, I like Quassel
For example Limonene can either smell like pine or oranges depending on what way the molecule is mirrored.
And would you look at that, pine is another extremely common cleaning scent
Lol salmonella.
Naw, they'll kick away what few safeguards there are, and then entire flocks will die of bird flu, driving prices even further up.
And then we'll get mass human-human transmission
As an Albertan, please no
So it's more like RC Aces then