Yes, travelling through the world is also done by walking irl. Though obviously the distances aren't quite 1 to 1. Combat is not implemented yet but coming later. Current plans are that it will be a turn based system and will be what's called "couch content", something you can do at home from your couch without having to walk. But all subject to change still.
Wij doen dit ook. Ze hebben verschillende fondsen met verschillende maten van risico. Ben er wel tevreden mee
Snap ik, maar het is de bron die OP gebruikt.
Nee, ook daar niet. Zijn broer wil met wat anderen naar Paraguay. Willem en zijn vriendin zijn aan het bouwen in Portugal/Spanje. Wat zowel bij PowNed als bij msn duidelijk gezegd wordt.
Portugal/Spanje, niet Paraguay
When is a bladder really full though? Can it not expand to some degree if it's really full?
You're not safe either, I heard they're also after people who forget to use the word "who".
Except it's not really, because it changes how the N is pronounced
Also curious how the new medical tab will compare to the Medical Tab mod.
You can already try it out by playing on the beta branch
The most misleading statement ever though. It's only halfway XP-wise. You will have unlocked much better training methods, gear, support skill, possibly more money, than earlier in the skill. Time-wise you're definitely way over the halfway point.
Stierenpoep bedoel je, schavuit
There have been talks about being able to be anonymous on the leaderboards, but nothing set in stone yet