No I assumed they were in a full-blown vegetative state, judging by their lack of motion and puddle of drool.
Idk, he’s ruthless and dogged. That’s what we’re going to need to win again. He’s not a nice guy, but party chair doesn’t need to be. He only needs to be effective. Could be good.
It’s the latest example of rich technologists making a mockery of the human estate. Every piece of our humanity they touch turns to gold for them and ashes for everyone else.
And now we watch as Christians vote to destroy God’s creation in order to drive vroomier pick-up shit wagons.
Merrick Garland is a flaccid penis.
More likely they will plagiarize the blueprint for someone else’s starship.
Everything Silicon Valley touches turns to gold for them and shit for everyone else. They extract wealth and replace it with ash.
It’s the saddest irony
You’ll need to utilize some higher dimensions
What a shitty website
If fossil fuel was an ice cream flavor, it would be blood and soot.
From the Wall Street Journal yesterday: