I shouldnt have commented here. The developer is sorry and is fixing their mistakes
Im pretty sure I found the sauce!
- SauceNao SourceURL:https://e-hentai.org/?f_shash=3651b602b88a0c6621a8c1e784b0ab5bdcfa8480&f_sh=on
- Source:Krys Decker
- Similarity:91.52
Found On Trace.Moe with a similarity of 0.89: - Title English:Moeyo Ken
- Title Romaji:Kidou Shinsengumi Moeyo Ken TV
- Title Native:Moeyo Ken
- anilist Id:511
Im pretty sure I found the sauce!
- SauceNao SourceURL:https://e-hentai.org/?f_shash=366ed5f53df64eade818c74d2f470ea788cf2663&f_sh=on
- Source:pixiv KinHasu (29067454)
- Similarity:96.68
Found On Trace.Moe with a similarity of 0.81: - Title English:
- Title Romaji:Bitch na In`ane-sama
- Title Native:
- anilist Id:129750
Hey developer here : yaeh I've noticed, although given its just a wrapper around SauceNao which i dont own im not entirely sure what to do to improve it. if you have any idea or suggestions please reach out to u/paddedperson
Im pretty sure I found the sauce!
- SauceNao SourceURL:https://danbooru.donmai.us/post/show/6365150
- Source:https://twitter.com/R_ev60/status/1664902446035132418
- DanbooruId:6365150
- Similarity:96.30
Found On Trace.Moe with a similarity of 0.87: - Title English:Naruto
- Title Romaji:NARUTO
- Title Native:Naruto
- anilist Id:20
Im pretty sure I found the sauce!
- SauceNao SourceURL:https://danbooru.donmai.us/post/show/3054303
- Source:http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=67792730
- DanbooruId:3054303
- Similarity:97.01
Found On Trace.Moe with a similarity of 0.83: - Title English:CARDFIGHT!! VANGUARD
- Title Romaji:Cardfight!! Vanguard (2018)
- anilist Id:101594
Im pretty sure I found the sauce!
- SauceNao SourceURL:https://danbooru.donmai.us/post/show/1232736
- Source:http://i1.pixiv.net/img39/img/kerasu/29362915.jpg
- SankakuId:1758303
- DanbooruId:1232736
- Similarity:97.98
Found On Trace.Moe with a similarity of 0.78: - Title English:Shape of Love: Do You Hate Girls With Dirty Minds?
- Title Romaji:Ai no Katachi: Ecchi na Onna no Ko wa Kirai... Desu ka?
- Title Native:Shape of Love: Do You Hate Girls With Dirty Minds?
- anilist Id:3680
Im pretty sure I found the sauce!
- SauceNao SourceURL:https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=77254078
- Title:红花之章
- PixivId:77254078
- MemberName:糖酥饼子
- MemberId:213693
- Similarity:95.26
Ran into an unhandled exception when running this through Trace.Moe. sorry
Im pretty sure I found the sauce!
- SauceNao SourceURL:https://e-hentai.org/?f_shash=1af573d60688cbc250c786e0d89ac5ece701a20f&f_sh=on
- Source:My Personal Collection
- Similarity:94.19
Found On Trace.Moe with a similarity of 0.83: - Title English:Death Note
- Title Romaji:DEATH NOTE
- Title Native:Death Note
- anilist Id:1535
Im pretty sure I found the sauce!
- SauceNao SourceURL:https://twitter.com/i/web/status/743998687819489284
- Similarity:97.35
Found On Trace.Moe with a similarity of 0.9: - Title English:Tsukigakirei
- Title Romaji:Tsuki ga Kirei
- Title Native:Tsukigakirei
- anilist Id:98202
Im pretty sure I found the sauce!
- SauceNao SourceURL:https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=15032880
- Title:いきづかい
- PixivId:15032880
- MemberName:ななひめ
- MemberId:54347
- Similarity:96.18
Found On Trace.Moe with a similarity of 0.79: - Title English:
- Title Romaji:Zettai Junshu☆Kyousei Kozukuri Kyokashou!!
- Title Native:
- anilist Id:15867
I shouldnt have commented here. The developer is sorry and is fixing their mistakes