It's almost as if there is no ethical consumption under capitalism... 🤔
And I'm not trying to be an ass, but in the same way I've just had to look up "paper straws unsuitable for disabled people" to provide you with the answer, you could have just done so yourself and come across one of tens of thousand of articles, videos, podcasts, and images addressing this specific topic.
(ID: 2 tables breaking down why each type of alternative straw might be unsuitable for different disabled people. If someone needs a more in depth description, please ask)
E: just for context
(ID: image of an old informational leaflet detailing the medical and accessibility benefits of single use bendy straws, which were invented for that specific use in the first place)
And the disabled people who have lost access don't.
For the sake of an item that constituted 0.003% of ocean plastics, and giving you a "win" you're further supporting the exclusion and marginalisation of disabled people.
Banning plastic straws did less than nothing to improve the environment (less than, because it made people like you think they've done their part, and focus less on the actual problem), and worse, it sprung up an entire multi billion dollar industry that makes and sells reusable straws that end up in landfill just as often, and will be staying there for significantly longer.
You getting a dopamine hit doesn't make something good or right.
The thing though is they replaced polluting single use straws with less polluting single use straws.
Single use straws only ever constituted 0.003% of ocean plastics, they were already less polluting than pretty much any other plastic in use today, and the alternatives are not suitable for many disabled people for many different reasons. The ban also removed accessibility, and put the burden on disabled people (and on retail staff to gatekeep us, which more often than not resulted in service being denied).
If they actually wanted to do something useful it would have been nice to have multi-use straws ie. metal/wood/or even hardened plastic. But I guess that wouldn’t be as suitable a source of income, and wouldn’t fit well with american consumerism and fast food culture, so here we are debating on the best type of single use straws.
They did, they literally created an entire multi billion dollar industry to make money off of the problem they created, and the virtue signalers flocked to buy reusable straws, which again, are not suitable for many disabled people who depend on single use bendy straws for literal survival.
As you said, the base problem comes from capitalism.
It is, stop getting distracted by the bullshit capitalists tell you so that they can sell you more shit.
The attack on single use straws was entirely symbolic (end completely useless) in the first place, and harmful for disabled people.
The problem was never straws, it was, and is, capitalism.
Focus on that, don't get drawn in to the superficial virtue signalling divisive and harmful distractions.
It's both, and you need to zoom out and see the big picture, the one where they coexist because one necessitates the other, to really appreciate the problem
(ID: aerial photos from South Africa and India showing the vast disparity between rich and poor existing directly next to each other)
Yup, it's a trap.
There is no way the cops haven't considered this, just like there's no way they will stop ICE when they inevitably turn up.
Even if we theoretically pretend that the cops mean well (they don't) - they are prioritising being the "good guys" and patting themselves on the back over the safety of the people they're using as props to that end.
If you want to help save people form immigration raids you hide them, you don't draw them out in big groups, especially not to a violently racist government agency.
A feature, not a bug.
The police are not your friend.
Do not trust them.
Na, he's only playing the one side - his own. Always has, always will. All billionaires do, that's how they ended up that way.
I'm definitely going to see if I can watch/download some when I have the time..
Na, it's perfectly reasonable to expect people who claim to care and genuinely want to know, to make a minimal effort.
"I tried looking it up but couldn't find an answer, do you mind helping me out"? Sure, no issue here, wouldn't have even mentioned it. But to drop in to a conversation without knowing anything about the topic, and expect disabled (or otherwise marginalised) people who are personally impacted (and therefore constantly having to have the same emotionally laborious conversations over and over and over) to do the work for you before you've even tried? That's going to get (seriously fucking gently) called out every time.
I have the same poor quality search engines at my disposal, and have to sift through similar results.
There is also an easy way to recognise actual advocacy sources vs industry publications - is a disabled person writing from their personal experience? Advocacy. Is the article written by someone who isn't personally impacted? Irrelevant. Simple.
E: The fact that I went ahead and did the work for them anyway despite all of that (with, again, the gentlest of reminders that they could be doing it themselves), and people still find a way to complain about how supposedly unaccommodating I'm being is fucking wild..