@CaptFeather @zarmanto I think autistics might tend to view moral issues deontological rather than utilitaristic. Would match recent science which says autistic‘s prediction models play less of a role in their perception than their senses. NT on the other hand perceive things more in light of prior experiences and thus utilitaristic.

@feedum_sneedson @zarmanto In German „crazy“ is translated as „verrückt“. The literal meaning is „disarranged“ or „shifted“ - so just a deviation from the norm. Sounds not to bad to me, I like being called „verrückt“.

@ratboy Have you seen this? https://traumbooks.itch.io/the-sad-bastard-cookbook
Also, maybe precook your meals on sundays (or any given day) for the whole week, so you only have to go through the pain of cooking once a week and just warm it in the oven later.


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