
joined 2 months ago
[–] 1 points 2 months ago

Excuse me you're wrong because unlike the plebs that get their ideology from the Joker movie which is fake and bad, I get my ideology from the CEO murder adventurism that happens on the news which is cool and good.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

If they're typical silnylon camping tents wood stoves are a huge risk.

You can safely use wood stoves for canvas tents as long as you get a good stovejack, they make great silicone ones now. The problem is that canvas camping tents are typically cost prohibitive for most homeless people.

[–] 18 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Yeah look up Kaiser Permenete, absolute leaders in the shit, they have contracts on a whole bunch of public employee health care too in Western States.

They also take from both ends, since they have some of the most overworked nurses and hospitals. They're unionized but almost every contract negotiation ends up in a strike.

[–] 26 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

All the rule does is enshrine a “legitimate” profit margin for insurers.

Ding ding ding.

It's almost as if the ACA was an insider bill that was accepted by the entire industry because it allowed them to reset the economics of the business without one insurer feeling like they were taking a loss.

The vast majority of the ACA is literally about risk portfolio balancing between private companies.

The regulations on profit essentially changed the game and is why most insurance companies are now vertically integrated with pharmacies, concierge medicine, or even entire medical systems. It's the only way you can charge more for insurance without having to rebate out is by capturing your own payouts which allows you to keep MLR.

  • Year 1: You pay $100 for insurance and insurance pays $80 for your meds to the insurance company pharmacy.
  • Year 2: You pay $105 for insurance and insurance pays $84 for your meds to the insurance company pharmacy.

Creative accounting. That's why every insurance company makes special pharamcy benefits rules for the in house pharmacy and spams you with "switch your prescription to Optum RX"

[–] 8 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Of course, the people living there know best what they need, and with their current setups they mostly need wood for their stoves, or fuel for their generators, which are running electric heaters. But not all of them have stoves or generators.

So Generator -> Electric Heater is incredibly inefficient. People are likely doing this because it's all they have and they want to charge their electronics. If you want to provide equipment I would suggest:

This will allow them to connect to a standard propane tank. This setup is incredibly cheap to maintain esp. if they have access to a Amerigas/Rhino propane exchange or propane fill-up station. The buy-in here is around $140 per tent but you can get it down cheaper if you get a generic hose. The maintenance cost of exchanging/refilling the propane. On the 4000 BTU burn, this can last about half a month with a standard 20lb propane tank and should be more than enough to heat a tent. Monthly this has a cost of about $40 depending on how much propane is locally. Since the heater is radiant it's heating the person / objects in the tent not the air meaning it's incredibly effective.

This setup is really beneficial because it's easy to adapt to different living circumstances whether you're in a tent, a car, etc. In a pinch it can keep you comfortable enough in a single-wide too.

If you guys want to build something, reducing fuel costs during the day can be achieved by building a solar collector

[–] 8 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (8 children)

Copying another comment from elsewhere:

Nobody who is doing critical support for Putin is saying “America should be ruled like Russia”.

The groups you mention in their political context do not have alternatives that exhibit the following traits:

  1. The strength to defend against imperialism to the same degree
  2. Socialist politics

Political context matters.

Yes there are different standards for the imperial core than there are for the periphery. The imperial core should be held to a higher standard because it is the source of woe that it sows across the periphery.

[–] 16 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Copying my other comment buried in this thread:

As ostensibly a “left unity” site, the problem is that tailism means two things at once:

  1. The denial of the vanguard as exalted (which is fine)
  2. The capitulation to the “tail” of the revolution (e.g. catering to fascists) (which is bad)

Beyond that it’s very much ML specific language that most people here don’t actually understand.

[–] 15 points 2 months ago

The Lion of Damascus is the best opthamologist in Moscow.

Critical support of Assad has critically collapsed now that he's a nonplayer. So it goes.

[–] 5 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

My friend's mom also gets me Mao shit every time she comes back from China, because her DIL is a HK Lib and won't let her read red book to baby.

I've recommended she sue for grandparents rights.

[–] 6 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I was a Maoist at 26.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I'm an ancomm and "direct action" without proper tactics and direction is pointless. The illegalist and egoist tendencies have been widely denounced by almost every other large tendency historically. Kropotkin himself denounced illegalism and egoism. These tendencies are more or less dead from a theory perspective beyond the turn of the 20th century. It's 4KidsEntertainment. America was literally the last gasp of these bullshit tendencies thanks to Benjamin Tucker. Egoism and illegalism have never actually gotten anything done, the strain of Anarchism in America that has delivered the goods is Wobblies anarcho-syndicalism which was literally based around organization.

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