You have me sold on the game.
Not comment OP, but I assume its similar to mine. People will approach you to give you flyers of their buisness, free samples, or otherwise smooth talk you to enter their shop/stand.
"I've had a lot of what I thought were rock bottoms, only to discover another, rockier bottom underneath " from Bojack Horseman.
Depression is like a poison, slowly but surely weakening you. It makes each day harder than the last. So the past feels so much better than the present.
Americans really are taking a stab at OP as if it didn't make them look worse.
Source is "My Sempai is Annoying"
But warning, the character in question is relatively minor.
For me, it feels more like being in a new relationship but you keep talking about your ex.
A reasonable person can distinguish real life and fantasy.
I don't find the slave dynamic in on itself a problem. When looking at cheap romances, it is filled with dangerous power dynamic even when aimed at women. Example, the infamous 50ShadesOfGray.
I take more of an issue with how the slaves fall in love with the bare minimum of effort and how despite otherwise portraying a monogamous culture the slave is fine with being one out of a dozen in the owners harem.
The art style reminds of Baalbuddy, so I think its him.
As someone who hasn't seen the movie, thank you.
Monster Girls and Medieval Fantasy
Imagine you could only have one friend for the rest of your life. If you don't find one then you will be left alone.
For many, that's a important decision, so they are always attentive to potential friend candidates. You don't want to humiliate yourself in front of them, so you shy away. You want to show them that you are good friend candidates, you try to show off. Someone else is a good friend candidates, you feel insecure. Someone gets angry at you because you were apparently showing off without realising it and feel threatened.
Its a competition that your body compels you to participated, and it gets exhausting at time.
Now add "and make babies", remove being able to verbalize this, and you got sexual desire.
It should be noted do, intensity varies from person to person. Those that have it set too high cause problems to themselves and others.