My french press’s case was broken, and I 3D printed something new. Looks shaby after some time and all those presses you post make me envious 😡.
Bit common… 160€ for a french press 😆
My french press’s case was broken, and I 3D printed something new. Looks shaby after some time and all those presses you post make me envious 😡.
Bit common… 160€ for a french press 😆
No, no, just the meta debate if people are willing to use non-European stuff or are dead serious about everything being European.
Good point. On ther other hand you can use signal with a handle of your choice, too. You don't need to distributed your phone number anymore.
Jip. I'm using both, but I just made a case for my colleagues/friends and familiy to quit Whatsapp and go to Signal and even that wasn't received with thunderous applause. I guess it is still a viable option and better than before. has an opentalk instance included with their services. Also as far as I have seen.
I just crossposted from an admin.
Es gab auf mastodon mal einen Bot, der Petitionen die kurz vor knapp waren geteilt hat. Leider ist der inaktiv.
Crosspost in ! ?
Hi, I don't think so. In my opinion a brief and swift introduction is better than a wall of text and after all this should be a Sammelbecken (reservoir) for many people.
Absolut okay und sinnvoll.
Die bekommt leider keine Aufmerksamkeit oder Fahrt 🥲
Die ganzen Solar-/Energiespeicher-/EE-Petitionen gehen wiederum durch die Decke, weil da die eigene Geldbörse betroffen ist 🧐.
In other context people told, that Suuonto was sold to a Chinese company in 2022. I just found the matching source.
And no... their webpage didnt' include that info direclty, but I assume that part of the operations still takes place in Finnland.