From my personal experience, scanning things by yourself instead of more experienced cashier is somewhat slower (maybe 20-40% for large amounts?) for reasons you provided. The thing is, you don't have to replace one cashier with one self-checkout, instead you may put like 5 of them and assign one employee to supervise them and solve things that need intervention like verifying age. Also when not in use (low amount of customers) they probably cost tiny fraction of employee's wage. Idk about thefts though.
My guess is it was probably supposed to say TIP, not TOP.
Does that dragon start hoarding wealth?
Almost 30 here, can relate. Still have no clue what the hell I am, what I really want to be myself and what and who I'd like to see around. Though as time goes, the less I really want or care to figure those out, so... Ughh.
Well, now he is
I believe it's DeciCelsius. I don't know in what system 1 meter contains only 10 centimeters heh, thought it's 100.
Is not me. I don't know a lot of shit. Still internet and zero self-regulation though haha
Man I've seen title, assumed 196 and thought "fuck those non-descriptive titles, especially to random link, wtf". And then I check comments and this is not even 196, what in the actual hell whyyyyyyyy. Not even the shitpost community
Br... Brussy?
Women are not a fan of the Moon and the power of the Moon
Doet it make you... Cringe free?