Finally, someone from the Greens pointing out the elephant in the room. All the protests that have occurred regarding climate change have achieved nothing. The only time anything changes in the UK is when it affects votes. Protests do not affect enough votes to matter. FPTP voting systems are just another form of self harm. A majority of people vote for what they do not want, rather than what they desire.
Most want Net Zero to be a thing. Most are willing to make sacrifices for it. This is why Labour are seeing it as a platform they should embrace. Most want NZ because of the evidence we can see that is very stark and frightening. This is not an opinion developed because they saw protests which annoyed them.
There is a reason why fossil fuel companies pump so much money into Tory election campaigns. FPTP is easily corrupted by expensive campaigns. We will never stop money from trying to con turkeys that Christmas is great to look forward to, but by making every vote count for things we want, will make them have to work so much harder at the con.
The other obvious argument is that FPTP enabled the most fascist government the UK has seen since the Victorian era (IMO). The Tories would not happen under a PR system. We really need PR to prevent these sort of people taking power again. If Starmer persists with this approach of rejecting PR reform, then he is showing he wants to promote his own power over the wellbeing of the UK.
Hitler's party was elected in, much like the UK prime minister is not actually elected. Hitler still had to win a seat in the Reichstag, so.....
Putin is a dictator. No one is allowed to stand against him. In the current election the 29 candidates who have tried to stand have had that right taken away from them for one reason or another. Putin has the final say on what goes on in Russia. Putin and Xi may have the illusion of being recalled, but it will not happen. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either spouting propaganda or one very gullible individual.
I can easily believe that the GOP are creating problem for the LBGQT community, but they are soon to be ousted from any power they posses. Many of the gerrymandering that has gone on has been reversed or will be in time for the next elections. In NY state alone this will be enough to overturn the lead the GOP has on blocking legislation.
As for the "at will employment" law China has exactly the same thing.
Where the incompetance is discretionary then there is little an employee can do to protect himself.
The USA has National anti discrimination laws, China has no discriminatory laws, but also has nothing to protect an individual.
So your idea that China is a better place to be doesn't really hold water in my opinion. Yes, there are some republican states that are making things hard, but this is a very short lived episode in US politics imo.