[-] TCB13@lemmy.world 1 points 7 hours ago

Yeah but at the same time you've ISPs that deploy routers that can initiate GRE tunnels between your network and their side for "support".

[-] TCB13@lemmy.world 1 points 11 hours ago

Exactly that's a job for the parser / consumer.

[-] TCB13@lemmy.world 1 points 11 hours ago

No, I'm kind of serious, the comment situation is already solved in JSON... about the rest yeah, Yaml might be easier but the different isn't that much. Non tech people can't edit Yaml properly either so.

[-] TCB13@lemmy.world 1 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago)

There's a lot of JSON parsers that don't mind to see comments there, just ignore them. And there's also the "_comment" / "$comment" thing.

[-] TCB13@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

Yes, they could've just used JSON. Totally pointless waste of time.

[-] TCB13@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

Finally a decent Linux tablet that can actually replace many laptops. Only thing is that it would've been great with an i3-N300.

[-] TCB13@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

While I don't disagree with you about the potential of those alternatives they won't cut it for the average graphic designer... usually not due to the lack of features but most likely because of the network effects / dominant position that Adobe holds over their field. People who need to collaborate with others and are pressured to get stuff done can't afford the slightest compatibility issue.

[-] TCB13@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

Just use ungoogled-chromium.

[-] TCB13@lemmy.world 11 points 2 days ago

The way to get Linux more appealing is to get proprietary software makers, like Adobe, Microsoft (Office), you know the actual things people need to do their job, to make software for Linux. Steam Deck is a good example of this, it works because Steam ported the games to Linux...

[-] TCB13@lemmy.world 11 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

+1, this is poised to create issues and potentially ruin a few relationships.

OP's sister is used to Apple services and not even other payed cloud services come close to the level of integration Apple provides. It just works, is a real thing inside the Apple ecosystem and anything the OP might get will be inferior and she will complain.

On the day the service is down or something doesn't work / some update breaks the sync or wtv she'll just be there with an "entitled atitude" pressuring the OP to fix things.

This is like one of those situations where you have a LOT of work setting up and managing something and people will never recognize the work, help, split the bill or be patient. People are so expected tech to "just click a button" and everything just works and is free that they aren't even able to understand the complexity of what's behind it all and the amount of work it is required to get "a simple file sync" to work.

[-] TCB13@lemmy.world -2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Expect bugs because NC is a pile of crap. She will get very annoyed, not even other payed cloud services come close to the level of integration Apple provides.

[-] TCB13@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

you have to comply with police orders to moderate your platform…

Your points are fair however, where does it stop? If the police says "make it all plaintext" then what happens? It is a police request after all.

This thing where chat platforms and others "need" to comply with police / govt orders and remove content is very tricky... should platforms really censor everything the govts ask for? What if it is a group chat about a corrupt political party in power (with proof)? The govt will say it is CSAM, them Signal will shut it down and our democracies are gone.

To make it really clear: I'm not for breaking the law, and I don't think that content should be on such platforms. The problem is that once you start removing that content the precedent will be abused to remove other actually important stuff because "it is CSAM" and the E2EE doesn't have ways to check if is is really CSAM nor should it be the judge of the content.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by TCB13@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

New GNOME dialog on the right:

Apple's dialog:

They say GNOME isn't a copy of macOS but with time it has been getting really close. I don't think this is a bad thing however they should just admit it and then put some real effort into cloning macOS instead of the crap they're making right now.

Here's the thing: Apple's design you'll find that they carefully included an extra margin between the "Don't Save" and "Cancel" buttons. This avoid accidental clicks on the wrong button so that people don't lose their work when they just want to click "Cancel".

So much for the GNOME, vision and their expert usability team :P



Is there anyone using Amcrest IP4M-1041B with Home Assistant? I've a few questions about software and integration.

  1. From what I hear, this camera can be setup 100% offline, connected via cable to any computer and by using a built in WebUI the camera has, is this true?

  2. It offers pan, tilt or zoom. Does it work really good with HA? Can it be operated without any Amcrest software / internet connection?

  3. The features above allow you to set preset locations, can that be done on HA / WebUI / without the Amcrest app as well?

  4. Does it really operate all features offline and is it reliable? Eg. motion detection works as expected / doesn't miss events?

  5. What's your overall experience with the camera? Does it compare to let's say a TP-Link tapo?

Thank you.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by TCB13@lemmy.world to c/technology@lemmy.world

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/14398634

Unfortunately I was proven to be right about Riley Testut. He's yet another greedy person barely batter than Apple. After bitching to Apple to remove GBA4iOS from the App Store he's now leveraging Delta to force people into his AltStore.

Delta has finally made its way to the App Store. Additionally, the Delta developer has also published their alternative marketplace, AltStore, in the EU today.

If you're in the EU you'll only be able to get Delta on the AltStore and that requires:

This is complete bullshit he could've just launched Delta on the App Store in Europe as well but he decided not to.

Thanks Riley Testut for being a dick to the people that actually forced Apple into allowing alternative app stores in the first place.

Github issue related to this dick move: https://github.com/rileytestut/Delta/issues/292

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by TCB13@lemmy.world to c/apple_enthusiast@lemmy.world

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/14398634

Unfortunately I was proven to be right about Riley Testut. He's yet another greedy person barely batter than Apple. After bitching to Apple to remove GBA4iOS from the App Store he's now leveraging Delta to force people into his AltStore.

Delta has finally made its way to the App Store. Additionally, the Delta developer has also published their alternative marketplace, AltStore, in the EU today.

If you're in the EU you'll only be able to get Delta on the AltStore and that requires:

This is complete bullshit he could've just launched Delta on the App Store in Europe as well but he decided not to.

Thanks Riley Testut for being a dick to the people that actually forced Apple into allowing alternative app stores in the first place.

Github issue related to this dick move: https://github.com/rileytestut/Delta/issues/292

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by TCB13@lemmy.world to c/europe@lemmy.ml

Unfortunately I was proven to be right about Riley Testut. He's yet another greedy person barely batter than Apple. After removed to Apple to remove GBA4iOS from the App Store he's now leveraging Delta to force people into his AltStore.

Delta has finally made its way to the App Store. Additionally, the Delta developer has also published their alternative marketplace, AltStore, in the EU today.

If you're in the EU you'll only be able to get Delta on the AltStore and that requires:

This is complete bullshit he could've just launched Delta on the App Store in Europe as well but he decided not to.

Thanks Riley Testut for being a dick to the people that actually forced Apple into allowing alternative app stores in the first place.

Github issue related to this dick move: https://github.com/rileytestut/Delta/issues/292

submitted 5 months ago by TCB13@lemmy.world to c/portugal@lemmy.pt


Como muitos aqui sou cliente da Vodafone (móvel apenas) há muitos anos e gostava de deixar os meus comentários sobre o que tenho visto a acontecer com a operadora na última década. Este post vai ser escrito assim meio em modo "rant" e começou porque a Vodafone ainda não tem um serviço Wifi Calling.

Estamos em 2024 e a Vodafone continua a não disponibilizar um serviço bastante útil que está disponível nas outras operadoras nacionais. Este serviço não é apenas um capricho, é importante para todos os clientes que vivem em zonas com fraca cobertura até muitas vezes para situações de emergência (como eu muitas vezes).

Relembro que esta tecnologia está disponível no iPhone desde 2013 tendo sido adotada em massa na maior parte dos países a partir de 2015.

Há coisas que eu não consigo compreender no serviço da Vodafone, ou melhor, na gestão e nas prioridades da empresa, em resumo:

  • Serviço Wi-Fi Calling que continua a não existir em 2024: como já disse, um serviço essencial a quem tem fraca cobertura da rede móvel e com a vantagens clara para a Vodafone de reduzir a quantidade de chamadas a serem transportadas pela rede móvel. Claro que a primeira operadora a ter isto foi a NOS porque com a fraca rede que tinham quanto menos chamadas pela infraestrutura móvel melhor;
  • Cobrança do serviço Vodafone OneNumber (eSIM para smartwatches): para além de terem demorado anos, mais do que a NOS ainda cobram 5€/mês pelo serviço. Este serviço deve ser gratuito uma vez que é mais uma forma de incentivar os clientes de smartwatches a consumir minutos/dados;
  • "Qualidade" de áudio das chamadas: uma chamada entre dois números da Vodafone tem menor qualidade de audio do que uma chamada entre qualquer outros dois números de outra operadora nacional. Até uma chamada de WhatsApp ou Facetime é hoje bastante superior a uma chamada pela rede Vodafone, noto que estamos a falar de uma chamada VoIP com compressão, transmitida pela Internet e mesmo que seja realizada em 4G e tenha de atravessar toda a infraestrutura da Vodafone até chegar a algum datacenter e retornar para outro cliente continua a ser superior;
  • Serviço cartão Duo Multi-SIM: permite utilizar de forma alternada dois equipamentos e apenas isso. O serviço da MEO permite utilizar em simultâneo dois equipamentos e podemos definir com o envio de um SMS qual dos equipamentos receberá chamadas. Realizar chamadas ou utilizar a internet fica disponível em simultâneo em ambos. Um serviço como o da MEO era mais uma boa forma da Vodafone incentivar o consumo, mas claro que são incapazes de reconhecer isto;
  • Chamadas e mensagens no computador: a Vodafone já teve um serviço destes mas acabou por abandoná-lo, mais uma grande falha na estratégia da empresa. Durante a pandemia assistimos às PMEs a adquirirem em massa soluções como o Zoom e o MS Teams, já pensaram na quantidade de negócio que a Vodafone perdeu por não disponibilizar uma simples aplicação de chamadas e video-chamadas no computador associada aos números de telefone dos clientes? Acredito que com uma campanha de marketing muito simples, no início da pandemia, pelo menos metade dessas PMEs teriam passado a usar uma solução da Vodafone apenas por conveniência e teriam tido a oportunidade de faturar milhares de horas de chamadas;
  • Falta de IPv6 no serviço de internet fixa: sem mais comentários;
  • Falta de um serviço "bridge": todas as outras operadoras disponibilizam, enquanto isso a Vodafone continua a forçar os seus clientes a utilizar os seus routers extremamente fracos e pouco flexíveis. Podiam só fazer como a MEO/NOS e adicionar uma opção para ligar o bridge numa das portas do router e deixarem os clientes utilizarem os equipamentos que quiserem.

Na última década a Vodafone passou de uma operadora pioneira em Portugal com serviços de qualidade quase ao operador mais rudimentar que temos tudo por má gestão de prioridades. Parece ser também o mais vulnerável a ataques informáticos, afinal a Vodafone foi quem já ficou praticamente um dia sem serviços e muito possivelmente ninguém na empresa consegue garantir que os dados dos clientes não foram comprometidos.

A minha sugestão para a gestão da Vodafone é simples: uma vez que são incapazes de desenvolver internamente soluções inovadoras limitem-se a observar as tendências do mercado e a copiar. Parece-me que a Vodafone para ter um rumo / novos produtos depende muito de "consultisses" e estudos de mercado questionáveis, isto é com base em perguntas e premissas pouco fundamentadas na realidade, em vez de observarem os clientes reais.

Qual é a vossa opinião sobre o estado atual e percurso da Vodafone?

submitted 5 months ago by TCB13@lemmy.world to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Here's my take:

The domain aftermarket has a big problem... it exists. This market shouldn't ever be allowed to exist in the first place. ICANN should've blocked this bullshit a long time ago and forced registrars to just let domains expire and free the space. Also add a few provisions about unused domain names and about selling them.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by TCB13@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml


So I have a Motorola SM56 USB Data Fax Modem (aka Apple USB Modem for some people) and according to information online this modem supports V.92, Caller ID, wake-on-ring and most importantly telephone answering (V.253).

At a place I happen to have an old telephone analog line that gets calls and unfortunately I can't get rid of. Any ideias / links / software on how can I use the modem + a low end box / ARM SBC to "digitize" the phone line into a generic SIP / VOIP that I can then connect to using MicroSIP on another computer?

Thank you.

Update on this:

I just tried the modem under Windows with a few programs such as Phone Dialer Pro and the built in dialer.exe and while the modem can detect incoming phone calls and place calls I can't pass the audio back to the operating system / phone software.

I did some research about the SM65 and it seems like it was designed to have an headset directly attached to it like on those PCI cards that also use it:

The built in COM port of the modems seems to be only usable to control the modem via AT commands and can't be used to pass audio form and to the system.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by TCB13@lemmy.world to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world


My IoT/Home Automation needs are centered around custom built ESPHome devices and I currently have them all connected to a HA instance and things work fine.

Now, I like HA's interface and all the sugar candy, however I don't like the massive amounts of resources it requires and the fact that the storage usage keeps growing and it is essentially a huge, albeit successful, docker clusterfuck.

Is there any alternative dashboard that just does this:

  1. Specifically made for ESPHome devices - no other devices required;
  2. Single daemon or something PHP/Python/Node that you can setup manually with a few systemd units;
  3. Connects to the ESPHome devices, logs the data and shows a dashboard with it;
  4. Runs offline, doesn't go into 24234 GitHub repositories all the time and whatnot.

Obviously that I'm expecting more manual configuration, I'm okay with having to edit a config file somewhere to add a device, change the dashboard layout etc. I also don't need the ESPHome part that builds and deploys configurations to devices as I can do that locally on my computer.

Thank you.

submitted 7 months ago by TCB13@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/11162262


For all of you that are running proper setups and use nftables to protect your servers be aware that pvxe/nftables-geoip now has the ability to generate IP lists by country.

This can be used to, for instance, drop all traffic from specific countries or the opposite, drop everything except for your own country.


Here's how you can block / track traffic from certain countries:

Previously you had to load the entire geoip DB containing multiple GB and would end up using a LOT of RAM. Those guides aren't yet updated to use the country specific files but it's just about changing the include line to whatever you've generated with pvxe/nftables-geoip.

submitted 7 months ago by TCB13@lemmy.world to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world


For all of you that are running proper setups and use nftables to protect your servers be aware that pvxe/nftables-geoip now has the ability to generate IP lists by country.

This can be used to, for instance, drop all traffic from specific countries or the opposite, drop everything except for your own country.


Here's how you can block / track traffic from certain countries:

Previously you had to load the entire geoip DB containing multiple GB and would end up using a LOT of RAM. Those guides aren't yet updated to use the country specific files but it's just about changing the include line to whatever you've generated with pvxe/nftables-geoip.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by TCB13@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world


I found this game I used to play a very long time ago and I wanted to experience it again. Unfortunately I wasn't able to run it in Windows 10 / Windows XP SP3 VM because it would lag on modern hardware.

Here is what you need to do in order to get the game running:

  1. Search for "Midtown Madness 2 (Europe) (Rerelease)" on TPB and download it
  2. Load the disk with WinCDEmu or other solution
  3. Install the game (don't launch it)
  4. Enable DirectPlay on Windows
  5. Copy Crack\midtown2.exe to the gamefolder
  6. Download dgVoodoo2 from http://dege.freeweb.hu/dgVoodoo2/dgVoodoo2/
  7. Copy dgVoodoo2.exe to the game folder
  8. Copy all files inside MS\x86 to the game folder as well
  9. Run dgVoodoo2.exe as admin and set the following:
  • Click the button .\ to create config file to MM directory
  • In "General" > "Output API" select "Direct3D 11 MS WARP (software)"
  • Go to "DirectX" tab and change the VRAM to 128MB
  • Click "Apply" > "OK" to exit.
  1. Launch the game > Options > Graphics > select from Display drop down menu, "dgVoodoo DirectX Wrapper" > "Hardware (3D video card with T&L) from the Renderer drop menu.
  2. Click "Done" and that's it!

Note that whenever you change the resolution it won't apply any changes to the game menu - you'll only see it once you start a race.

Midtown Madness 2 should now run very smoothly under Windows 10, even on Virtual Machines. Enjoy.

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