Thank you! I try to follow the organic lines of mountains and rivers when I build, lends itself to a more...natural look. The colony went for 17 years, first doing the Anomaly "ending" and then the ship since it was a type of ending I had never done. And yea the monolith breaking through the roof of the ancient danger was a...surprise to be sure. Let me know they can kinda land just about anywhere.
joined 1 year ago
Prima Nocta, 20 Pawns, 2 Ghouls and the most extensive superhuman project I have ever done in a game
Oh hard to pick. As far as entities to keep in containment: Flesh nucleus and Devourers. Free flesh and when Devourers escape i just send a ghoul in to get eaten while everyone else wails on them,
Lore-wise? Revenants. They are SUPER annoying to deal with tho.
My first Anomaly run, a Void research group turned Void Cultists. Did all modless to get a feel for the new mechanics (and let the mods update). All in all I had a great time with this colony, and I eagerly await for mods to start using the anomaly systems
A tale oh so common along the Rim.
Research group is sent to the planet in order to study a strange piece of archeotech. They settle, they build, they thrive, and bit by bit cold hard science becomes intermingled with bits of Archeotech Esoterica, until, alas, their work is more ritual and chant than paperwork and calculus...
The pride and joy of this Research facility was the rather effective superhuman project, which had several passes:
Stage 1: Nanite-based Superhuman serum (Vanilla Factions Expanded - Ancients) Procured from ancient vaults, even with all relevant facilities installed, a full run of 5 injections and 5 cleanses ends up with a rather unhappy mortality rate.
Stage 2: Psylink Cut and dry, the subject is given a neuroformer in order to attain psylink abilities
Stage 3: Full Apex Entromorph Evolution (More Than Ashes) Subject is than implanted with Apex-class Entromorphs one by one, Starting with Morolith. Each process is allowed to run its full course and all mutations fully realized. Casualty rate is negligible given sufficient preparation.
Sage 4: Cybernetic Tune-up (Vanilla, Altered Carbon 2: Resleeved, Integrated Implants) A massive surgical undertaking, resulting in over 30 separate surgeries. The end result is a pawn able to deal with defensive attacks and forays into enemy bases solo.
Stage 5: Anomalous Enhancements (Integrated Implants, Anomalies Expected, Anomalies Expected-add on, Metalhorrors Unleashed) The epitome of anomalous research. Subjects are infused with technology only possible given enough anomalous materials harvested. Subject can now defy death on the odd chance of deadly wound, regenerate limbs, and is rendered immune to being digested by devourers
Stage ?: Void Link Only one of us could be chosen for this last stage...Celia, nephilim born amongst our kin was granted this blessing. May the Void quake beneath her wake.