[-] TheSambassador@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

John Stewart communicates a sincerity that the rest of the correspondents and hosts haven't really managed. They mix in a bit too much smugness or something. I find them all fine in small doses, but only John Oliver has really matched those moments where John Stewart looks at the camera and seems to be pleading with ALL of the American people. He had a way of criticizing without being elitist.

[-] TheSambassador@lemmy.world 7 points 2 weeks ago

It's the same story with almost all of their stuff. They let their creators be really weird in the opening episodes and then it eventually boils down to the Marvel Formula halfway through and becomes a boring mess.

[-] TheSambassador@lemmy.world 16 points 2 weeks ago

School isn't just learning the stuff in the classes. It's the shared experience too. It's the teachers holding you accountable for learning.

"Going to school" is a very different thing than just trying to learn on your own. Self motivation and time are a huge barrier for a lot of people. I think the OP was imagining being able to go to school every day and just take classes for free with other people also interested.

[-] TheSambassador@lemmy.world 2 points 2 weeks ago

Almost all the airlines are doing that these days.

[-] TheSambassador@lemmy.world 40 points 2 weeks ago

Until we can make crossing those lines painful for those companies, they'll keep doing it. Unfortunately, I think convenience is always going to beat morality if you leave it to "voting with your dollar", we need actual regulations from our governments to combat this shit.

[-] TheSambassador@lemmy.world 4 points 2 weeks ago

It's honestly a pretty fun game! It is Overwatch+Dota and the way they've done landing/farming with last hits and denies in a shooter is really interesting.

Team fights are fairly chaotic and I can't tell what's going on, and honestly there might be too much complexity, but the moment to moment gameplay is really solid. Movement and shooting feel great, combat is chunky and satisfying, and comebacks are semi common.

IDK if I have the desire to get into another MOBA like this, but this is unique enough to enjoy playing with friends for awhile.

[-] TheSambassador@lemmy.world 2 points 3 weeks ago

It's really great, isn't it? I tried to get some friends into it but it seems like I'm the only one who enjoys rhythm games. I really like The Magician I think

[-] TheSambassador@lemmy.world 37 points 3 weeks ago

Isn't that the status quo? I guess it's not really fathers to daughters, but most women I know went through some amount of "here's how to be a good wife" lessons from their mothers or family. I think women get a lot of "traditional gender roles" training that's mostly about being caretakers.

Usually people putting forth this kinda "women should learn how to care for their man" attitude are coming from a conservative "traditional family values" position.

Really, we should be teaching people how to ask about and learn the needs of their partner, and how to determine your own needs and communicate those to your partner. Basic emotional intelligence stuff. It doesn't have to be gendered at all.

[-] TheSambassador@lemmy.world 22 points 1 month ago

I think these types of moral questions aren't actually that useful, because the actual problem at the heart of it (and at most things) is the difference in power.

Instead of asking "what age should temporary prostitution be legal," maybe we should ask "why have we concentrated so much excess power in the hands of this one guy who can drop a life changing payment for a one time service and still have plenty left over? Does it really make sense to try to come up with an arbitrary age that we've decided you're immune to coersion?

This entire moral quandary doesn't really exist in the (admittedly idealistic) world where power isn't so unequally distributed.

[-] TheSambassador@lemmy.world 36 points 1 month ago

Over COVID, we started a bad/cult movie night that I streamed over Discord. Streaming via Twitch/Youtube would get copyright struck immediately. Streaming over Discord worked, but you have no real control over stream quality, and often the stream quality is based on the person with the worst connection. You also are locked to 30/60 FPS, which sometimes causes small frame weirdness when most movies are at 24.

An easy, self hosted solution is exactly what I wanted at the time. I played with setting up a streaming server but it ended up being too much of a headache at the time.

There's a ton of valid reasons to self host. Just because you can't think of any doesn't mean it's pointless.

[-] TheSambassador@lemmy.world 17 points 1 month ago

It's definitely hard to know when being overly enthusiastic ends and when love bombing begins. I agree that it isn't always necessarily malicious but, as with most everything, clear open communication is the solution.

[-] TheSambassador@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago

Call it whatever you want, it's just an enjoyable new sport that a lot of people like. I'll never get why people feel superior about not liking something that other people like.

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