
joined 2 years ago
[–] 12 points 4 weeks ago

There was someone who asked how to prevent pooping for 3 days and wouldn't really say why. It was very important not to, even though facilities would be available. I do not recall all the details ... Don't know if it reached that, but there was a definite buzz about the communities for a while after and I still see a reference here n there.

[–] 6 points 4 weeks ago

It pains me to say that, most Facebook marketplaces are hoppin. Just like CL, you gotta weed out beggars and possible scammers. I've known people throughout the states, at least midewest to west, to have luck with:

Find a busy or busy adjacent intersection, or wide roadside that you've seen cars park on safely. Near highway ramps is popular. Make sure it's safe-ish, good lighting if in a busy area, not on a curve in dark rural areas. We have a wide dirt berm that attracted so many cars parked for sale that a tamale lady and honey guy set up. Out in the sticks, somewhere on the way "into/out of town" gets quite a few passerby and you might get a grocery or corner store to let you park it there.

Then: Brief info in paint maker on the windows (RUNNING NEEDS WORK- CALL SNOT 5558675309) big on one side and windshield then, on a back window or pass side a little more detail such as miles, head gasket is on its way out but there, etc. More serious lookers will prob be stopping to peek in windows and see if there is info like that.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

I mean... it's a growing site. How are not expected to go whole hog into a new community we like! Here I am strolling by a week after you but it's new to me, so I'm excited.

What's great is that they are still around, active, and replied. Shows some solid Lemmy staying power.

[–] 14 points 2 months ago

Im here, on the other side ladies.

I am a woman well into my 40s. I used to insist people call me by a man's name as a small child and growing up for a bit. I was raised in a very churchy midwest town, only child. The Thought of transitioning, then, in that area, was well kept out by church and lack of internet for us younguns. I barely knew what gay was, mostly from all the folk who called me butch and tomboy, got me curious to find out. Learned about cross-dressing but didn't realize there could be more than my jeans n tees already. Cried so hard the day I woke up with boobs as a teen, late bloomer and thought I'd be spared. And yeah, if I could have been a dude, I'd be a hella gay one. Was very confusing growing up with all nuclear family ideals and not fitting any of them, including their idea of the variety of the gender and sexuality spectrum that "wasn't allowed".

I also wonder if we had the internet media tech, medical knowledge and availability earlier, or was born later, who I might be.

[–] 7 points 2 months ago

Prompt: A joyful toddler, dressed in a festive holiday sweater and holding a throwing knife, stands in a warm and cozy living room, surrounded by the remnants of a chaotic Christmas celebration. Wrapping paper and ribbons are scattered about, with several presents bearing the marks of the toddler's newfound hobby - knives stuck in them at odd angles. In the foreground, a toy packaging box lies open, its bright and colorful design featuring the words "Knife Throwing for Beginners" in bold, cheerful letters. The room itself is a testament to the toddler's enthusiasm, with small knives protruding from the furniture, the walls, and even the floor. The atmosphere is tense and dramatic, with strong shadows and highlights cast by the warm glow of twinkling Christmas lights. The scene is reminiscent of a Thomas Kinkade painting, with its warm and inviting color palette, but with a darkly humorous twist, as if the wholesome world of Kinkade had been turned on its head. The style is that of a fantastical and slightly unsettling Norman Rockwell, with intricate details and textures that invite the viewer to explore the scene further.

[–] 7 points 7 months ago

Some friends and I went to eat at a fancy sit down place in our very late teens, dressed to the 9's in black, baggy or lacy duds, eyeliner all around. A couple there asked the restaurant to kick us out, they didn't like our way of dressing, it was rude(?!). Since we were polite and paying customers, the waiter just let us know, and that the staff had 0 problems with us... we should inform him if anyone trys to say anything to us. That staff there were some of the few nice people we encountered in our goth days.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

Oh shit! Had to be... surely just a few... 🪦

[–] 8 points 7 months ago (3 children)

I think it has cycles. Depends on what pop culture content there is to joke about, as well as writers and cast "meshing".

[–] 7 points 7 months ago (4 children)

Oooo.... I looove the guy but, I dunno that I can watch a xxxx rated porno with him in it, not at our age. 😬

[–] 16 points 7 months ago

Wow... she just said that, huh? Then didn't blink when asked about it, and said it again!!

[–] 14 points 7 months ago

My SO got pulled over for not maintaining his lane while making a turn, through a newly set up construction area (wasn't there on his way into work, was at midnight on his way home, and, No One maintains a lane out here, ever).

They got him for a marijuana DUI, his blood test came back with the Lowest Testable amount. Like, the residual, not actively high amount. $10,000 of lawyers and repeat visits to court, and the MVD department (they can each charge separately out here?) After the 5th-ish visit on the hearings, the cop comes up to us after, "proud of you sticking to your story" ... then, since he didn't show to the next one it was finally dropped. Fuck the police.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

The Temptations tubes may help to get more food in? They have a decent amount of nutrient for a treat product (better than the delectibles) and there are some Churu tubes that are pretty good we found on Chewy too. We just squeeze the whole thing into a dish like it was another meal. It's all liquid so super easy to ingest. Our girl, Dorito, had been loosing weight and now she is maintaining, which has made us feel so much better, hopefully her too!

MmmHmmm (

Likes Tibbles. A lot.

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