Oh I do, that's the point. They generalized all of us so I generalize all of them. What's funny is, if it would come down to it, they are defenseless, there is no hope for them. The only hope they HAD was an uprising of the American people, but they fucked their goodwill with most of us. Too bad, so sad.
Like I'm gonna sit here and let some fucking Canadians talk shit on all American people republican or not, not gonna happen. Dems had no part in this and they are still talking shit, if you are Canadian you can suck my huge American balls.
I couldn't give any less of a fuck about Canada. Seriously. It's like having Uruguay saying they are stopping trade with us. What the fuck do they do? Nothing we can't. The effect to my life will be as miniscule as squishing an ant.
Oh I do, that's the point. They generalized all of us so I generalize all of them. What's funny is, if it would come down to it, they are defenseless, there is no hope for them. The only hope they HAD was an uprising of the American people, but they fucked their goodwill with most of us. Too bad, so sad.