If you don't have funds to buy resources then that seems to be accurate scarcity no?
It looks like meat eaters might be the minority on this platform. I agree that technically there's no difference
in any animal meat trade (barring some details). Vegans got decent arguments for people who don't beleive that people should eat dogs but beleive in eating other animals. Their arguments aren't as good if you don't assign the same value to animals as you do to humans.
I got banned from a subreddit for being to aggressive when calling out people who were justifying and calling for fire bombing of churches.
I'm pretty sure that was also used against me when I got banned from the whole platform but I'll never know for sure.
The current right wing talking point is its not fraud because it wasn't successful lol. Even if it was successful, it still wasn't fraud because trump believed the election was stolen from him. Oh and state legislator can pick any electors they want at anytime.
It's ridiculous
Mo and Aisha at 9 - makes me think fundie abrahamic religions don't care as much about age of consent.
Okay so centrist isn't essential relabeling of a moderate liberal - then I probably agree with that.
Nah I'm pretty sure they are coming at the centrist label from a far left perspective. I don't know any centrist who think the republican party is reasonable right now. I know right wing moderates who like Haley but they aren't centrists.
You're first sentence isn't connected to the thought process of the 2nd sentence at all.
I think you misunderstand what centrists are or I do.
Those people will get banned if they are in a subreddit where people will report it. It's pretty easy to get banned from reddit if you don't follow certain social conventions and beliefs.
It's wierd to put more weight on the left or liberals for this then the conservative media appartus that defended and backed trumps play to steal the election by any means necessary.
I think I largely agree with your assessment that modern society and all its benefits mean that people get less day to day exercise via "normal" routine but I feel like I have to disagree that not having a local trail makes people unable to exercise. There's people in NYC who run miles and miles every day. It's possible anywhere.