That's no less true than games written in C, or otherwise with few dependencies. Doom is way more portable than RCT precisely because it's written in C instead of assembly.
That's simply the paradox of car-centric design: It also sucks for cars. The only way to actually make driving better is to provide viable alternatives.
Shared dependencies or death
See for potassium chloride as well as the other alkaline metals.
Not sure what you're expecting that fuse to do when the battery is on fire from crash damage?
No difference in mileage, maybe. Certainly a huge difference in danger to pedestrians and cyclists.
All those Europeans towing with their small cars must just be my imagination then.
3000 lbs is well within the towing capacity of a VW Golf with a braked trailer. Not to mention a van.
It's a long story. In short: In Latin script u and v were the same letter "u" but had two pronunciations depending on whether it was being used as a vowel or consonant. But when adapting the alphabet to Germanic languages (including Old English) the same two sounds were from two different letters, so they put two "u"s together to make double u: vv.
The full story:
Double negatives affirming one another instead of negating is a common thing in language, known as "emphatic negation" or "negative concord". Middle English used emphatic negation and various English dialects still use it to this day including African-American English. They're saying exactly what they mean, just not in Standard English. Just like they're probably not pronouncing the words the same way. No reason to get annoyed.