nop no i'm sorry, i'm a beginner still, so no arch yet
oh cool interesting thanks!!
thanks for the suggestion, i may look into mbin later!!! it looks like a comfy fediverse platform!!!
"get your own fricking tots!!!"
that could work but that means anyone could join and post there right??? or is there a way to set a community private and make it so that only a specific person is allowed to post?? wait i think there is!!! maybe
i keep rhythmbox honestly because it helps me in organizing all my audio and music files and plus i don't have to keep opening the file manager to change the music, i can just press the forward button and it changes track!!
no please don't!!
everything just screams "14 y.o girl" first of all i would like to tell you that i am, in fact, a 21 year old person who well, honestly i do like to type that way because 1. it makes me feel more human and definitely more connected to people and 2. it totally fosters a sense of honesty and makes me look more like a real person which, i am!!! and 3. everything's hyper?? well i'm sorry, but what would you expect from a person that is heavily involved in cool stuff like linux and programming and ui/ux design?? everything's gotta have some sense of coolness or radness, which i am always trying my best to give.
adults are usually more reserved and "battle-worn" i apologize for this but i won that battle a long time ago and even if i lose to life itself then i will still get up with that same energy and that's something most people should learn about and apply to their daily lives, i really enjoy doing this and i hope everyone in the world learns how to be that truthfully. thank you.
i'd also look at the wardrobe, especially if you're of smaller stature i am 5'10, i may have the height of a 16 year old but i am in no way a 16 year old, i'm sorry. oh and my wardrobe?? it's full of fruit of the loom t shirts of various colors and a lot of comfy cotton pants and well that's it.
additionally, being an adult is often about taking responsibility. Sucking it up and doing the right thing oh.. well, i deeply apologize if i have not been doing that, but i have been doing that, i accept that i have, i've sucked up my pride and i have done and said the right thing, i don't want to sound like i'm bragging because honestly there's nothing to brag about here, but i promise you that i've done that and i will keep doing that. thank you so much for the advice
i did get checked that before but they said no, no autism for me!!
i will not stop being a furry, i deeply apologize. i shall stop or at least try to stop saying the word "like". i am grateful and i appreciate it
noo!! it's a sheep but looking at it now, he does sort of look like a giraffe, and thank chu