Push-To-Talk when?
Anti-libre hardware
How much are we getting paid to shill proprietary file formats?
AdguardHome - Adblocker for all your devices
Jellyfin - For watching the content you download
Qbittorrent - Torrent downloader
Jackett - Torrent indexers provider
Flaresolverr - For auto solving captcha in some of the indexers
Sonarr - *arr service for automatically downloading TV shows
Radarr - *arr service for movies
Readarr - *arr service for (audio)books
lidarr - *arr service for music
Bazarr - Automatically downloads subtitles for Sonarr and Radarr
Ombi/Overseer - For requesting movies and tv shows through Sonarr and Radarr
Heimdall - Dashboard for all the services so you don’t need to remember all the ports
Bro thinks he has friends. 'I can't leave WhatsApp' is a self report.
Wrong, they already have. What are you doing wrong?
Auto reply with Watomatic and always real reply late on WhatsApp:
🤖 Automated Reply
💬 I reply faster on example.org
⁉️ WhatsApp is anti-libre software. We do NOT control it. It withholds a libre software license text file, like GPL.
I would focus on those directly around you first (not online strangers) and showing them by example to do the same, like my last post. Rather than telling them, find ways to make them want to ask you themselves. Make them start the conversation.
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joined 1 year ago