
joined 2 years ago
[–] 24 points 2 days ago

Bitcoin is also unserious and unstable to a degree that woukd be comical if it weren't tragic.

[–] 11 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

It's incredibly subtle but if you take the first letter of each word in "Department Of Government Efficiency" you get DOGE, which is also the abbreviation of a popular memecoin Musk has shilled before. What a fascinating coin-cidence!

Perhaps they should have called it the Bastard Asshole Youth Criminals. Headed by the world's oldest child prodigy.

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago

Not at all innocent, no. But I'd rather see the exchanges suffer than the small fry retail speculators (though I can still laugh at them).

[–] 13 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

I see. You should maybe know that while it's true in a sense, a lot of people don't like that phrase very much. It's a cliché cryptocurrency fans recite in response to any issues with cryptocurrency exchanges and I among others feel it serves to downplay the responsibility of the exchanges and blame the victims.

Securely taking care of an offline crypto wallet is somewhat more complicated and technically involved than just having an account on an exchange site. That the easiest way to use cryptocurrency is also an insecure one speaks of a major usability problem in the whole ecosystem.

More importantly, exchange sites offer what is essentially a bank account with little of the accountability of an actual bank. If a bank gets hacked and loses all your money or freezes your account for frivolous reasons, people generally don't go "well you should have stored your money in cash inside your mattress instead". (I guess some do, but they deservedly get the stink eye from people in polite society)

I dislike cryptocurrencies and have little trouble having vindictive schadenfreude when coiners and their platforms keep being embarrassed time and time again, but I know the real problem are the corporations and the tycoons, so I don't like their responsibility being shifted on the least informed and most vulnerable group of retail users, who are also the most likely ones to use these exchange platforms and thereby not hold their own keys.

[–] 8 points 3 weeks ago (6 children)

What a snappy slogan. Did you come up with it all by yourself?

[–] 11 points 3 weeks ago

I'll respect their decision to voluntarily retract their crypto apologetics and not bore you with it. Just a bit funny to pre-empt anti-crypto rants on a forum called Buttcoin on a site called Awful Systems.

[–] 20 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Inb4 people go on a rant about cryptocurrency

inb4 people do exactly the thing this subsection of this website is intended for

[–] 5 points 4 weeks ago

Die, blockchain! You don't belong in this world!

It was not by my hand that I was once again given silicon. I was called here by humans who wish to make a quick buck.

Quick buck? You steal men's money and make them your marks!

Perhaps the same could be said of all hypetech.

Your words are as empty as my wallet! Crypto ill needs a chain such as you!

What is crypto? A miserable little pile of scams. But enough talk. Have at you!

[–] 7 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Basically a tagline for Awful dot Systems except honestly the despair isn't that much more worse or especially less worse elsewhere so I might as well have the peer support.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

Breaks my heart to agree with Trump on anything.

[–] 10 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Investigating a user for a sus body shaming post, banning them for a programming drama post. Truly a self at awful dot systems moment. Never change (meaning this sincerely, thanks for the good mod work).

[–] 6 points 3 months ago (1 children)

My prediction begins with a confession, for I have sinned. Seven years ago a younger, more foolish me purchased a small sum of Bitcoin out of curiosity. I had forgotten about this until just recently, when I found an old notebook where I had recorded the keys to access the accursed asset. The news about the price peaking after the election made me decide to take at least some advantage out of the result, so I cashed out, earning a tidy profit, which I dutifully reported to the state revenue service.

My prediction for the rest of the year is that as a penance for my transgression, I will spend the ill-gotten gains from my destructive action to poison my body and mind with concoctions of ethanol.


Someone ported this 8-bit miniature Unix-like from Commodore to Nintendo.

The YouTube title is a little bit clickbaity, but the project is cool so I don't mind.


A follow-up to this TechTakes post

Saw this live at the congress. The presentation was great and the hall was packed. It was hard to find a seat in a huge auditorium even 15 minutes ahead of the talk.


A RISC-V assembly cracking board game. Can't comment on the gameplay experience, but what a cool idea.


Today marks five years since the death of TempleOS developer Terry A. Davis. Rest in peace.

Despite some impractical quirks and limitations, this strange machine, something of a cross between DOS and Oberon, remains in our hearts and computers. Who am I to criticize God for his OS design?

Let's pay our respects to a man who achieved inspiring things despite his severe illness and remember how his life was cut short in no small part by internet bullies and a capitalist system that failed him.

I hope this doesn't need to be said but I don't want to see anyone emulating Terry's bigotry and slur usage nor making fun of his schizophrenia in these comments. Thanks in advance.


Someone probably named this before me but not my problem.

  • 4 cℓ gin (or to taste)
  • Top up with Club-Mate
  • Garnish with juniper berries (optional)

Recommended for taking the edge off of the usual subjects of sneer —whether Orange or LessSo— inclusive-or you like a gin and tonic with a caffeinated German hacker twist. I came up with the name after a workday of removing rules for decommissioned servers from SRX boxen.

I wanted to share what I'm having for tonight's catharsis session. I think it's NotAwful; please share your findings if you like ethanol. It's not karma farming if the site doesn't record your total internet points.


Since there seem to be some fellow^1^ Lisp weirdoes around here, thought I might take the chance to submit the inaugural post of NotAwfulTech. Also I figured this is cute. Hope it's not offtopic.

^1^ I'm just a noob though, barely managed to implement my first Lisp today.

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