They are a scape goat. It doesn't matter if they exist or not if they can sell the narrative.
Crime could be at record lows but they'll say "Crime is so high, we need to send in police until crime comes down."
They know full well it's a lie, but they know enough people won't double check them and take them at their word. In their minds crime is at an all time high instead.
I've complained about gun culture being the biggest issue leading to gun deaths before. I'm not a huge fan of gun control as a lot of the left discuss it and my issue with labeling gun laws "common sense" causes a dissidence in people heads where anyone disagreeing not having common sense.
But the rhetoric of "fuck around and find out" and "come and try that here" underpins a thought process that guns are an acceptable solution to problems. And not just acceptable, but on equal footing with other solutions such as running away, defusing or de-escalating the situation, discussions, and compromises. It's where you see things like Kyle Rittenhouse or "You're Fucked" being inscribed on the AR used in the murder of Daniel Shaver in Mesa, AZ by the police.
Whereas I believe guns are the final solution to a problem. And imo, one that we all should be reticent to use but ultimately have available to us. They are to be used as a last resort to threats against life and liberty.
The gun culture, mixed with the propaganda of everyone everywhere being a potential threat to you is a leading cause of gun violence.