You are on a privacy-offending Cloudflare site (#LemmyWorld), so Tor users are blocked from seeing your Cloudflare-jailed image. If you care about privacy you will bounce from that instance.
Without seeing the image, I have to ask how an anonymous user gets #GDPR rights. Or has #Reddit started supporting an identification mechanism of some kind? When I start the reg process, it asks for an email address, username, and pw, not a first + lastname (but my test stopped when a Google reCAPTCHA push was attempted). I have zero sympathy for Reddit -- they are rotten to the core scumbags, but I do not see how the GDPR can be applied to anonymous accounts.
(edit) I gather from other comments you must have posted an email. Would be great if you could copy the text of the email into the body of your post so everyone can see it and so people using screen readers can hear it. Thanks!
The GDPR is a not a directive. It’s a regulation. Nontheless, I read that the GDPR was specifically mirrored into UK law with a couple minor modifications.
But to answer, AFAIK the #GDPR does not apply in this situation anyway because Reddit accounts are “anonymous”. The GDPR only protects identified people.