Von diesen "sehr vielen zivilen Möglichkeiten" wird natürlich keine einzige genannt. "Lasst uns miteinander reden" ist noch keine Lösung.
I rock an HMD XR-21, it's more or less made in Europe https://www.hmd.com/de_de/hmd-xr-21?sku=P13K990001
Right? It feels like it's not all about numbers and engagement, but about actual communication.
The perfiditdy of naming this invasive piece of tech "SafetyCore" is chilling.
I've been using it for weeks and I think I'll stick with it. It feels fresh and relaxed at the same time.
Ach, das alte Spiel. Gegen einen Titanic Titel klagen ist so ein bisschen das Dschungelcamp für beleidigte Politiker. Wenn einem halt sonst nichts mehr einfällt.
The "find out" phase of the Trump presidency will be something to behold.
The Harrier is a beauty and you know it.
I wouldn't take it for free, my time has value too.
On second thought, maybe they're doing the right thing. Offering what the competition does with improved privacy and the option to switch it off completely. I personally think LLMs are pretty bad at real-life queries, but ultimately the users will have to decide.
I'm open for alternative suggestions. The ease of wiping browser data while excluding preferred sites in duckduckgo is really nice.
Der einzige Vorschlag im Text ist, miteinander zu reden. Das war es dann auch schon.