Welcome to Canada home of the bean rain.
Shit yourself
I both identify and feel personally attacked by this meme.
I'll need to take a closer look at this later.
I agree completely, those dreads really hit different.
What a giant twat muskrat is.
I've only had the one dose of it. Next one is due later this month but tbh it's been great so far.
No side effects so far which is nice as I have had varying side effects from all the meds I've taken so far.
Yes, much like you I had crippling migraines nearly everyday. I dtried Amitriptyline but it really didn't help. Switched to topiramate which improved things dramatically but the long term side effects of that were unbearable. Then moved to Vyepti about two months ago.
I'm currently on a preventative medication called Vyepti and 5 mg nasal zolmitriptan for those pop-up cases.
Those two medications have literally changed my life, I went from 8 - 10 absolutely crippling migraines to 3 - 4 easily saved off with a dose of zolmitriptan.
40kTheories Great lore related info, I have been watching remliez for years.
Bring & Battle Wargaming Rick and Jase do a mix of battle reports; 2nd Ed 40k, grimdark future and Bolt Action.
More pineapple for me.