
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Stares in Debian Testing. (Though I use Bookworm on my laptop, probably soon to be Trixie. Nice thing about Trixie is I'll no longer have to use the Backports kernel on my Thinkpad and can just stay on the LTS one.)

[–] 13 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Let's just hope XFCE can finish the transition before then. If not, I am not looking forward to having to shop for a new DE.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

I'm not sure about NVIDIA drivers. Otherwise, it depends on what kernel your distro is using; if it's Debian, there's a chance you might have problems, though you could install the backports kernel, which I do on my Thinkpad E16.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

I just realized. They say they're broadcasting to the entire quadrant - but which quadrant?

Chances are they'll do something normal and boring like the Alpha Quadrant and create a bunch of canon confusion, but it would be kind of awesome if took place in the Gamma Quadrant and looked at life in the Dominion (or post-Dominion planets) after the war.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I had no idea what Posadism was until you mentioned it. Looking at it, I think elements of it are coincidentally in there, but I don't think that's totally what it's trying to convey.

For one, Boseman, Montana definitely didn't look that socialist, and yet Cochrane developed a warp drive; it was the new connections and widened view of the galaxy that facilitated the development of socialism. Sure, the Vulcans helped, but it was humans who had to change.

Also, I feel like "aliens helping in revolution" is sort of antithetical to the concept of the Prime Directive.

Overall, I think Star Trek is less about through ufologic socialism and more about peoples figuring out socialism for themselves; space and aliens are mostly just a plot device to explore.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I think it depends. Overall, I think most of Star Trek isn't solarpunk, but the version of earth depicted in it very much is.

[–] 7 points 1 month ago

Picard: "Easy come, easy go, will you let me go." The entire cube: "We will not, no! We will not let you go." The Enterprise: "Let him go!"

Also, reminds me of this:

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

They did. Also, in the Guardian of Forever's alternate timeline in season 3, mirror Burnham successfully kills Georgiou at the cost of her own life, upon which Georgiou is returned to the prime timeline.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I think part of my Prodigy meme problem was I tried to encode in a bit too high a resolution (720x480). When retesting it today, I had a 49.1 MiB file, verses with a WEBP encoded at quality level 90, I got it down to 3 megabytes while still looking pretty good. I also kept having an issue with APNG white lines that I could never figure out.

Also, the WEBP was a bit larger than that - I wasn't satisfied with FFMPEG's default quality level of 75, so I experimented and decided on 97, getting a size of 333.8 KiB.

P.S For funzies, here's the WEBP version of that Prodigy meme I was talking about (done in 85):

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

"Generations of warriors from our house have jumped with this jump rope. Use it with honor, my son."

On a side note, I have no idea if kids these days do jump ropes. Heck, when I was young not too long ago, jump ropes were just those mythical things from the TV - I don't know if I ever saw one on a school campus (granted, I'm also on the spectrum, so it may have just been I was so bad at physical activities like that that I ignored them).

I'll just predict there's a good chance someone's going to respond something like, "they're always on them tablets these them days", to which I say, Yes, that's a factor in the problem, but I also feel like there's declining social opportunities for kids in general. If I go on, it'll turn into a rant that I don't think fits the tone of Risa.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Mostly with posting the APNG - Lemmy doesn't seem to natively support them in thumbnails. You CAN embed the image in the post and put a different format in the thumbnail, but that sort of beats the purpose. The caveat is you have to set the extension to PNG, or Lemmy won't accept it.

Also, while single-frame PNGS have an acceptable compression ratios, APNG files start to get large - a dozen or few dozen megabytes. Really, it doesn't take that much time to load most times, but it's long enough that people might miss it.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I would say no. I mean, the treatment fits the universe (lots of people enslaving other people), but there isn't even a subtle condemnation of this. In many ways, despite it tending to be a story about rebellion, Star Wars mostly tells a story with the status quo; especially in the original trilogy, there's never really an "are we the good guys" moment. (I could be wrong - been ages since I watched anything Star Wars.)

Meanwhile, Star Trek is constantly examining itself, with Starfleet officers often "stop[ping] to debate the rights of a robot" or whether the self-respect of one Starfleet officer is worth the safety of the Alpha Quadrant. Even when they treat synths like crap, it's usually depicted as being morally wrong.

This is a bit of a tangent, but this question makes me think about the evolution of Ood depictions in Doctor Who. Their first appearance was a bit weird about their enslavement, but they rectified that in later episodes.

P.S: I think this question is more suited for c/startrek than Daystrom Institute, as it's more about comparing the themes of two franchises than any in-universe explanation.


Do any of you guys also headcanon that the bonzai plant that gets eaten in LD is the same one Boimler got from the replicator that one episode?


While responding to a comment in a crappost I made on Risa, my mind developed a few thoughts on how Seven was impacted overall.

First of all, here are the facts:

  • Seven was assimilated at 6 years old.
  • She was in a maturation chamber for 5 years (2350-2355).
  • She was in the collective until 2374, when she was 30.

Now, my questions:

  • What is 7's biological age? In other words, how far does a Borg drone need to be matured to function in the collective? Equivalent of a 16? 20? 25? How much do Borg age while they are assimilated?
  • What are the psychological impacts on Seven's mind, and to what extent are they permanent? To what extent is she emotionally equivalent to a child? Having such a level of isolation from humans would obviously (and clearly did) have a major impact on Seven's mind. However, Seven improves a lot in some senses by Picard. Is it possible that Borg nanoprobes somehow maintain neuroplasticity in a way that allows Seven to be able to adapt in a way a human who have become a ferile child at 6 might not be able to?

I barely have time as it it. Please, don't make me do the writers, too!

Also, if you actually look into the graph, note that data points have X axis error bars of +-1.

For those who don't want to open Desmos:

Edit: Added the Harry spike for that timeline where he had a kid with Tom's daughter, as well as a gap for Neelix and Tuvok during the whole Tuvix thing.

Another Edit: Fixed the line connecting episodes 69 and 70 for Neelix.


Have any of you guys heard of the Blasting Company/Petrojvic Blasting Company before? I find them TMBG-like in the sense that they have often dark, bizarre lyrics and play with accordions and horns, albeit in more of a folk/swing revival-esque way.

For those who haven't heard the band, a good song to demonstrate what I'm talking about is "Princess Andy".

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

Edit: If my tone wasn't conveyed (especially to those who haven't watched Prodigy), this is meant to be an affectionate meme towards all of Star Trek.

Note that the language I use is meant to be a comedic summary. I vaguely define the "episode genre" as people banding together [to fight authoritarianism or a faulty idea like militarism or isolationism].

Examples of this sort of episode include:

  • TOS:Patterns of Force
  • TNG:The Chase
  • DS9:Paradise Lost
  • VOY:False Profits
  • SNW:Strange New Worlds

Because of his original purpose, it makes sense that the Doctor wouldn’t have held a Starfleet rank during Voyager.

However, in Prodigy, he still doesn’t have pips. This leads to my questions:

  • Can a self-aware hologram hold rank or a non-com position in Starfleet?
  • If so, how would the Doctor attaib it?

According to the STO wiki, he doesn’t wear them by choice but does have a rank. That might be a reasonable explanation; I can’t imagine Janeway not at least trying to field commission him.


John Henry has its 30th birthday tomorrow!

What are your favorites off this album? Thoughts in general?

Personally, I think it’s a crime Mrs. Train and Welcome to the Jungle were excluded from the final album. Still waiting for Superfueld Freaksicle. 😉

Also, the TMBG merch shop’s having a sale, including a free download of the mastered demos and 20% off anything with the code TMBGWORLD, if anyone’s interested.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

Continued From:

I managed to fix the one biggest gripe about my Thinkpad E16: the RTL8852BE Wi-Fi controller randomly dropping out. I actually found this a few days ago, but I had forgotten where I put the file I had edited. You put a file in modprobe.d called 70-rtw89.conf. Both /etc/modprobe.d/ and /usr/lib/modprobe.d work - I used the latter, but for the sake of conventions, you should probably use the former.

You then put in these options for the rtw89 module: options rtw89_pci disable_clkreq=y disable_aspm_l1=y disable_aspm_l1ss=y

Now, my Thinkpad is a fully functional Linux laptop. I will be docking it to an 8 from my initial score of 8.5, but I'm back to liking it for now. If you apply the fix, be sure to update the firmware as well - some older distros have an old version that works but returns a lot of journalctl error on this card.

Update: What do you know! The updated firmware-realtek just went into backports!



I know we've all been crying to ourselves in bed at night over the end of such a wonderful show - me included - so here's a fun little distraction for now.

  1. What is your prediction for the plot of the series finale?
  2. How much gold-pressed latinum do you bet on it?

I bet 5 strips that it will be a parody/pastiche of the time shenanigans of TNG:"All Good Things" and VOY:"Endgame" where we get to see the futures of each character.

Your turn. Betting closes once the first episodes of the season comes out (in other words, I think you have until 11:59 PM PST on October 23rd to bet, though I could be wrong). I will declare the winner of our imaginary latinum when I've watched the finale.

P.S If it's not too much trouble, since there's still more than a month to season premiere, would you be able to pin this, @ValueSubtracted? It's totally fine if not, but would be convenient due to the long-term nature of this post.


I have several songs where I think they could have done better on the album version.

This includes a lot of Mink Car:

  • Bangs - Snapping Turtles had the more John-y lyrics in my opinion.
  • Man, It's So Loud in Here - The first demo just had more soul, in my opinion. I get they were going for Pet Shop Boys pastiche/parody, but I really liked the general 80s vibes of the original demo.
  • My Man - There's a demo that has some better compositional choices in my opinion.
  • Another First Kiss - I prefer the one from Severe Tire Damage by leaps and bounds.

Another addition is I like the Severe Tire Damage version of They Got Lost more than the Long Tall Weekend version.


Yesterday, I began watching the 1960s British sci-fi series The Prisoner (first five episodes) and have been quite enjoying it. Much of my enjoyment has been from the fact that it kind of feels like “What if The Cage was a whole series?”

In other words, like “The Cage”, it’s a prison environment in which a person can’t be certain of reality any more. It does diverge in all the torture on number 6, whereas the Talossian’s illusions are less flawed and sadistic a prison in some ways (you know, besides the purpose of breeding a bunch of human slaves). However, I feel like both “The Cage” and The Prisoner overall embody the same “everything might be fake” sense of reality. I almost feel like “The Prisoner” is somewhat a window into what Star Trek might have been if CBS hadn’t thought people would be too dumb to understand “The Cage”.

Besides the similar vibes with “The Cage”, another thing winning me over is the surreal set design, which has already won a place in my heart. I just wish I could make a replica of one of the signs in the village and have it not be so obscure no one would ever recognize it.

The main thing my 21st century brain finds fault with is the strong gender roles used in The Prisoner (there is always some woman that Number 2 sends to try and manipulate Number 6), although like TOS, I’ll give it a pass since it was in the same boat as most television at the time. However, I did like the twist in “Free for All” where Number 58 is revealed to be the real new Number 2.

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