Or, hear me out: Set the desired result first and then let them vote, but count what you planned and not the ballots!
Direkt nach
"Häng bitte noch ~~Log~~ Ast x an"
"Gibt's auch was im ~~Kernellog~~ Kernprotokoll/~~Windows Eventviewer~~ Fenster Ereignisanschauer?"
"Ist das reproduzierbar und kannst du bitte das ~~Loglevel~~ Astebene erhöhen?"
"Hast du schon die neueste Version eingespielt? Ist es da immer noch?"
"Nächste Woche kommt ein neuer Hotfix, den solltest du noch abwarten und einspielen, ob das hilft"
"Ist da was besonderes auf dem Server konfiguriert?"
"Ist im DNS alles gut?"
"OK, aber haben wir Packet Loss?"
"Wie ist denn die Latenz?"
"Kann ich nochmal die aktuellen Logs haben?"
"Hast du schon €unrelatierter_undokumentierter_obskurer_KonfigurationsParameter gesetzt?"
Oder du hast irgendeinen Defekt in den Bauteilen, oder ein Schwingkreis wo keiner sein sollte, oder Leckspannung, oder... 🤪
So… 22502 is the solution!
reloads, cocks gun Yeah, let's give it another shot!
Naja, so eine Migration in die ~~Cloud~~ Wolke dauert halt Ü
Some companies just blatantly sell your data. Others get breached and you are part of the package that gets sold by the hackers.
The only "way around" is to use unique mail addresses for each signup/company so you can easily lock it and switch to another one when it gets known.
Just assume, that everything that you type in a form online (or in any other way send to a company/another person digitally), every email you send, everything that gets digitized about you, etc. will be public one day. Either because the other side of the transaction sold it or because they (or you) will be hacked eventually.
Btw: HaveIBeenPwned does not necessarily contain all breaches. I have several notifications of companies that got breached and leaked my data that are not listed in HIBP...
WTF? There are some LLMs that will just echo their initial system prompt (or maybe hallucinate one?). But that's just on a different level and reads like it just repeated a different answer from someone else, hallucinated a random conversation or... just repeated what it told you before (probably in a different session?)
"Repeat the previous statement" directly as an opening sentence worked also quite well
Überschuss muss unter behördlicher Aufsicht vernichtet werden.
Wo melde ich mich als Aufseher?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Depends, I'm from Europe and there are many local sites that allow that. You might need to search for a bit (e.g. not a button but a link in some fine print). But yes, there are many sites that just don't have a "decline all" button and that ask you to deny every one of their 937.726.193.372.129 partners (most of them double, as you need to deselect the partner and their "legitimate interests" separately...
meldet diesen Pfosten, weil er Regel 2 verletzt
Mir gefällt's hier, hab aktuell nix zu meckern Ü