It seems they found another.
Tell me again how Harris would have been worse, please.
Well, the best way to get out of a fight is to get completely naked.
It would likely open up the market for arm motherboards, since they're not the only player in the game. I think it would ultimately be a good thing, but it would probably take a decade or so to truly compete with x86-64.
Apple opening up the market would definitely give the process a kick in the pants.
That's a weird looking Furby.
Why put in the effort to hide it? It's not like anything is going to happen to them.
I meant more along the lines of the episode of Family Guy where Peter shoots Cleveland Jr. On accident and Carter supports Peter because he shot a black person.
Allergies are proof that intelligent design is bullshit.
Hot water and warm water are different things
She certainly wouldn't be pushing to build a resort. And at one point (before she was a candidate) she was pushing to have Israel investigated so they could legally block support.
It's no surprise that she parroted the party line in an effort to get elected.