Thank you @ada!
What foods do you recommend during recovery?

[-] 40 points 2 weeks ago

Building a registry of trans people is pretty frightening as well

[-] 10 points 2 weeks ago

My apologies, I edited it. Let me know if I need to edit it further

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by to c/

By Lil Kalish

Emily Bray was supposed to be celebrating on Tuesday morning. After years of trying to change her name and gender marker, the 27-year-old YouTuber received an official court order from a Texas judge that she was at last, in the eyes of the state, the woman she had long known herself to be.

But that elation was short-lived.

An hour later, she logged onto the private Facebook group where she and other trans Texans discussed the bureaucracy of changing one’s name and gender in a state that is becoming increasingly hostile to trans people. One person shared that they had gone into the Department of Public Safety to update their driver’s license that day and learned that the agency had issued a new policy, barring the use of court orders or birth certificates to change one’s listed sex.

“There’s no other way to describe it than a gut punch,” Bray told HuffPost.

[-] 2 points 2 weeks ago

We're on the same side here. I am a trans person. If a republican gains the presidency the consequences will literally be devastating to my life and liberty. Every single day republicans are crafting and putting forward policy to make my life harder. I am not a politician, I do not craft policy, but it seems like asking for a plan from people whose jobs are to craft policy to stop the plan that is currently underway to erase my existence and gain permanent capture of the US doesn't seem like that much of an ask does it? If no such plan is crafted, then the second a republican wins the white house it's over, there's no going back and we can kiss our freedom goodbye. Please I am begging for just a shred of empathy here

[-] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Putting up safeguards is literally an action. We have them all over the place. You could put in laws or executive orders that prevent the actions of p25 from being put into place. Maybe even consider expanding the supreme court if that would help. If it's literally a threat to our democracy then it should be treated as such. The federal government stops nefarious schemes all the time, why is this any different?

What do you mean VOTE? THE CURRENT PRESIDENT IS A DEMOCRAT. P25 has been out for ages and what have they done about it?? They could even give us their plan to stop it! But as it stands, yes we might win this election or even the next one, but if they don't do anything about the threat that p25 poses all it takes is one slip up and WHAM we immediately live in a dictatorship. The democrats aren't treating p25 as the very real threat that it is or else they'd be doing something about it other than using it as a guilt trip to make us vote.

I would be able to let out a sigh of relief and a deep anxiety would be lifted if they could give us a plan to stop it, but as it stands all they have is keeping the dems in power which let me tell you we've already lost multiple massive multi decades long precedent while under the biden administration and not a word on how we're going to get it back. Somehow the republicans win whether they're in power or not but not for the democrats oh no we get nothing

[-] 6 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I don't know if you know this but p25 is already well under way with massive changes being made by the captured judicial branches as well as heritage foundation approved bipartisan bills being passed.

The administration has the entire plan in their hands. They could at least act in some way to put up safeguards so that our democracy isn't instantly dismantled the second a republican president is sworn in. Otherwise it's only a matter of time before it happens regardless.

Edit: All y'all demanding me come up with a solution. I am the one asking for anyone in charge to come to with a counter plan. The republicans have a plan to dismantle the government as soon as they enter power and are currently enacting pieces of their plan under a democrat administration. They will continue doing so regardless unless they are stopped.


As soon as the republicans win it's over. If there is nothing that can be done to stop them THEN WE'VE ALREADY LOST

Edit2: The biden admin might not have congress, but they could at the very least create proposals or laws that could stem the tide and hold on to them until they know they would pass, but as far as I'm aware they haven't done or talked about anything like that


I have an upcoming appointment for an FFS consultation and was wondering if there are any questions y'all recommend asking 🙂

[-] 4 points 2 weeks ago

They dropped their support for the abolition of the death penalty from their platform

[-] 6 points 3 weeks ago

Don't worry, there are plenty of suburban apartments to get the worst of both worlds these days

[-] 4 points 3 weeks ago

I had a whole bunch of them including the vasomotor ones like hot flashes and night sweats, but the ones that I'm mainly worried about are that it started making the joints in my hands painful and giving me frequent carpal tunnel flare ups as well as severe dry eyes and made my vision a lot worse


This is mainly for the women here who've had GRS/orchi, but if you experience these then be sure to see your doctor either way ~

symptoms of menopause

Please don't judge my story too harshly I have terrible mental health lol.

I got an orchi some time ago and when my hormones were tested shortly after, my estrogen was about double what it should be so my endocrinologist reduced my estradiol dosage by half. Shortly after I started experiencing some of what I would later learn are menopause symptoms. I thought they were my body getting used to the changes from the operation and just soldiered through them. By the time I saw my endocrinologist six months later they had become much worse and were pretty severely impacting my quality of life.

I'm on a higher dose now and I'm sad to say for me it is not an instant fix. A week later and I'm still experiencing issues so if anyone knows generally how long it takes symptoms to resolve I'd love to know lol. I'm mad/disappointed in myself for letting things get as bad as they have and worried that they won't get better. I appreciate y'all reading <3

[-] 3 points 3 weeks ago

My depression is like this too

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

First, if you have any interest in seeing this movie, do not read anything about it, just go see it as soon as you possibly can.

mild spoilersHoly cow, what an incredible movie. It felt like I was having a mirror held up to me showing my past self the entire time. I've never felt existential dread/despair that was so personal to me in a movie before. I was completely blown away by this movie and it has left me utterly shook.

explicit spoilersThe movie is like the IRL equivalent of taking a completely in denial trans egg and shaking them by the shoulders as hard as possible. When Maddie was talking about Owen's memories being jumbled up, that was literally me. The words 'there's still time' on the street raised my desperate hopes for Owen, but in the end that's all they were. It shows us all the hell of choosing to live in denial in perpetuity and how devastating that is. It's hard for me to convey how personal the experience of this movie is, but holy hell.

interpretation spoilersI also wanted to ask how y'all interpreted a couple of points. First, the act of having to bury yourself to escape the midnight plane. My interpretation is that going through the ego death of finally acknowledging your true identity to yourself and shedding your false identity. The second is the mirror scene, which my interpretation is the small 'dipping of the toes' back into the memories of having explored gender identity in the past and taking comfort/energy from them. But I'd love to hear your interpretations on them.

What did y'all think of it? Any film recommendations in a similar vein?


The political situation for trans people in the southern US has been devolving rapidly and I'm looking to move to a protected state. I'm going to start applying to jobs soon, and I've been considering whether I should apply as my dead self or not.

I haven't changed my legal name yet, so my job applications immediately out me as trans and even if it didn't I don't pass at all currently, so if I got an interview I'd be outed then. I've been reading about how hard it is to get a job as a trans woman and I'll need all the help I can get to get out of this shithole state.

It would kill me to have to go back into the closet for work, but the alternative is being potentially stuck in a place that will forcibly detransition me which is way worse.

Has anyone been in this situation or has any advice?


There was a thread I saw recently, that really struck me as a growing trend I have been seeing online. It has been bothering me and I felt the need to write my thoughts about it. The post in question is about a trans woman joking about being in denial and having tea parties because they are awesome.

Whenever cis people see trans people discussing signs of their gender identity online, they immediately feel the need to jump in and discount the signs in a number of ways. Whether it’s because they did the same things but are still cis or that trans people shouldn’t “police” gender roles, or that kids should be allowed to do what they want without assigning identities to them. Many of them seem like they feel their own cis gender identity is being attacked.

In the beginning of my gender journey™, I clung to signs from my past as a way to justify to society and myself that I am in fact trans and valid, because the truth is, I was extremely insecure about my identity. I grew up during a time that said trans people don’t exist, and the ones that do are to be shunned, and there was only a very narrow way to be trans.

Despite it being completely and utterly wrong, the phrase, FEELINGS AREN’T FACTS are a part of the cultural zeitgeist, and it infects the way people think, including myself. So much of being trans is based on feeling and when you’ve been shoving feelings down and ignoring them your entire life, it can be impossible to hear them. So, for people in similar situations, signs are all they have and they were all I had for a time.

After becoming secure in my gender identity, I truly don’t believe you need signs to be trans. The official diagnosis doesn’t even include signs among its criteria. I actually think it does a pretty good job aside from the clinically significant distress/impairment part. I would be hard-pressed to be convinced that someone isn’t trans if they meet the criteria, but aren’t distressed/impaired by it.

However, I do not think a cis boy enjoying a tea party because it’s awesome and a trans girl enjoying a tea party because it is affirming are two competing ideas and can easily coexist in the same space. You don’t need to have enjoyed tea parties to be trans, but if it was a way for you to feel gender affirmation then it is absolutely a sign. The same goes for any other common trope or sign that trans people use.

This could easily be transphobes being disingenuous and trolling, as they are relentless online, but I still wanted to express my feelings on the matter. My wish is for online spaces to become more empathetic to each other's experiences (fat chance I know) and to stop competing on what makes someone's gender identity in threads like these. There is room for everyone's experience of tea parties and they are all just as valid.

Doc Impossible made a wonderfully written article that is more coherent than I will ever be about signs and gender identity last year that I highly recommend for more reading on the topic.


I've been feeling down lately and I started re-watching futurama for some good nostalgia, but it keeps making transphobic jokes which is kind of just making me feel worse. Anyone have any suggestions for comfort shows to watch?

egg_irl (

[The Is This a Pigeon? meme template with the words “MY CLUELESS ASS” over the character’s head, the words “OBVIOUS SIGNS OF DYSPHORIA” below the butterfly and captioned with the words “IS THIS A CIS FEELING?”]

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