They use the American spelling (maybe that's significant?):

Check out Fearless Blood - it's exactly about Chinese bandits in that era

What about party members? When people join the party, are they taught Marxism-Leninism?

Wikipedia says 5.3 million people are party members, which is about 5.3% of the population, so if that's true you'd think it would spread the ideology a bit.

Another question: when you say liberalism what do you mean? Is there political correctness and that weird American identity-politics stuff in Vietnam?

China: very very high, maybe 90%, their material conditions have progressed in leaps and bounds. Most people want a better life for their kids: the government is delivering that = most people are satisfied with the government's performance

Cuba: much more mixed, people are suffering economically. Says you, "Oh but that's the fault of outside influences"... well your particular explanation of the causes will chime with a certain percentage of the population only, there's lots of angry anti-government people in Cuba, but they may not be a majority, hard to put a number on it

Vietnam: I have no info on this

So Ukraine will be in debt to American weapons companies for years to come?

Is the United States government donating weapons to Ukraine, no strings attached, or is it selling them?


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