[-] gimlithepirate@lemmy.world 24 points 10 months ago

Corporate America is operating on the Car Dealership model: there are enough rubes to fleece it’s not worth the effort to get quality customers/employees.

[-] gimlithepirate@lemmy.world 18 points 1 year ago

I wish these strikes would normalize talking about your salary in the US.

It's such a huge source of power employers have over workers heads. People always say "research what equivalent roles get when negotiating" but the data that's out there is crap. Companies work hard to obfuscate what they pay people.

[-] gimlithepirate@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

Agree. The number of people I know who "don't" cook blows my mind. 75% of my repertoire takes less than 30 minutes of involvement to cook. It's cheaper, healthier, and a great zen thing that's totally different from my day job.

For those trying to get started, do a meal kit that involves cooking, and start there. Not having to buy ingredients or plan things out makes it less intimidating.

[-] gimlithepirate@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

Tilley FTW.

I live in the desert, they are common even if unfashionable lol.

[-] gimlithepirate@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

I wish Apple was transparent enough to have a real comparison of their privacy.

Personal guess, Apple is generating just as much personal data, just using it less offensively than Google. That's not good but it's betterish, I guess.

Main things I'm stuck using Google for at the moment are Gmail and Maps. Gmail, because my address I've had over there since Gmail was invite only. Maps, because they are one of the only decent sources for restraunt reviews these days (why did Zomato have to kill UrbanSpoon :( )

[-] gimlithepirate@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

Yeah, this is what concerns me.

Stock Android is neither. So for the average user, Apple iOS is probably better.

I'm on lemmy so I'm probably not the average user lol.

[-] gimlithepirate@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

Pure personal preference. I've traditionally gone back and forth almost every time I get a new phone. It's really only in the last 2-3 years I've hit the point I significantly prefer android.

For me, some of the interface choices on iOS are no Bueno. Additionally, the lack of a button, or simulated button is not something I'm fond of.

I'm also not convinced they are more private. I think Apple's incentives line up more with mine than Google's, but only barely. Independent researchers are pretty mixed on whether Apple is actually blocking all apps, or just making it so Apple is the only one who can profit off of people's data.

The only reason I think they are probably more private is the giant hissy fit Facebook threw over their settings.

[-] gimlithepirate@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

Went to signal awhile ago, mainly because it's secure and cross platform.


What are everyone's recommendations on making android more private? Given Google's recent behavior around tracking and the like, I'm not really comfortable with then having all of my data. I've even contemplated going to iOS, since apple doesn't have a vested interest in me having less privacy... But I just don't like their OS lol.

I've tried GrapheneOS, and it's not awful. For usability, I did have to add Google apps back in, but at least they are sandboxes.

For the moment though, my daily driver is a Samsung S21. What can I do to make I more private?

So far, I have:

  1. Switched to Samsung browser with adblock.
  2. Started using duckduck go.
  3. Installed duckduck go's app tracking protection. That was an eye opener.
  4. Restricted location history in Google maps.

What else? I know Graphene is typically the gold standard, but I'm trying to see what I can do short of that.


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