It’s a feature of tech entrepreneurship. You go until it’s boring and repeat. The problem is these fucks made so much money they don’t need to do shit. They won life and now they’re trying to take it to the next level. Even worse, they try to appeal to the masses as “regular people.” Lol
This is nothing compared to: taking you to the top of the page and undoing all collapsed comments when you click up/downvote. :( UI stuff is hard. Not sarcasm.
I talked to my aging dad the other day and he surprised me with the drag queen issue. “You want this in your grandkids schools?!” he says. I said “hold on, do you actually think someone is being hurt here or are you being stoked up by tv you sit around and watch all winter?” Needless to say, a little reason goes a long way and it’s shocking how quickly people lost sight of that.
Who decides what is fake news? The metanews agencies? The government? Which one?
Pretty rookie list tbh, doesn’t even include people with long hair, chiropractors or unemployed.
The popular instances can take a long time to respond. There’s no feedback in the UI either, you click search and then eventually the result will appear. Depending on what you search for, your instance collects more data than what you’re actually searching for.
The narwhal bacons at midnight.
If it grows fast and hard it might happen naturally. is suffering already.
Great work!
Guacamole dipship.
Nice! Worked like a charm. For anyone having issues with using a bookmark to run javascript, you can paste it into the developer console!
Could they BE any more annoying!