I have to say this. If you can't view this it's because your client can't view the webm format. You should change immediately, imo. That format is old now. I can get you the .gif on request, but it will be 375mb vs this 8mb. Pick your poison.
Man, I thought I was fairly well versed in Trek, but this is next level. I had to look it up. Here I was thinking that they might eat them out of spite and anger.
True, but eating them on a planetary level would counteract that, no? They could breed them to bite, even.
Thanks. I couldn't leave it buried in a comment lol
Yeah, I know... I just don't get it. They would cram them in a container and at least try it, I think.
How is that an enemy? It's food that moves, easier to come by than gagh.
The values of both line up incredibly well. I haven't read this, but the potential for something that is great for minorities of all types is incredibly valuable. However, being this style of crossover, it will be fine at best.
That was the point, yes :)
I replied incorrectly. I meant to reply to the comment about the actual DS9 episode.
It's what inspired me to pick up the hobby of video editing. It is so, so, well done - served with ketchup even.
Probably wherever the shot made it easiest to edit him in or move the camera slightly.