This uncontrolled breed-mayhem on that planet may be, because it was this situation out of the norm. From what La'an said, i had the impression that they systematically used the humans for breeding and food.
The Young ones could be left to their own devices in a controlled manner. Much like birds, the younglings of some species also attack each other. The strongest survives.
I like to think that, at home, the adult Gorn pretty much have their kids under control.
But, yeah, they reproduce out of the box.
It's because, aliens ...
The Tylered V'oq vs. Hippie V'oq fight should have gotten a deeper spin. The whole V'oq arc was left behind and not concluded in a satisfactory way.
I somehow liked the Disco Klingons, but the hate they got made them disappear from the show almost instantly. Q'rell was taken along, but the whole Klingon war was handled offscreen.