
joined 3 months ago
[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago (6 children)

Some are getting enthusiastic, but if you look at the past decades: one realizes that it’s the same small group/ type of people being motivated and excited again and again, with zero effect seen years later.

The federal government and many states are not democracies; any strategy that assumes this will not work. Any movement that will not fix bad voting systems will fail.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Years from now ( think tens of millions) paleontologists of some species will wonder about this age, and think that this was great extinction caused by a period of volcanic instability; with monkeys and some mammals overrepresented in the fossil record

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago

There is still a lot of violent potential in all this population, it just needs to be nurtured by a working grassroots movement. And that is broken. Just like you can drive a car with a working motor, that has a busted axle; you cannot lead violent people to do things if there is no place to hook up or meet in person.

This applies to the people who oppose you as much as you, and I mean anyone. So, the current situation is sort of a stabilizing force at the moment

[–] 22 points 2 weeks ago (42 children)

The population has been made isolated at the community level. There are very few local groups doing any reaction at all to this.

And violent reactions which are successful are a group action; it’s very seldom an individual, in any era of history, changed the politics by themselves.

And as long as there are no impromptu gatherings of significant frequency, there will be very little violence.

The internet is not a replacement for community driven change which powers all social and political movements, peaceful or not.

The turning point, if there is one, will be lots of local meetings by the thousands , and not until then. No matter how violent or passive the individuals be

[–] 33 points 2 weeks ago (9 children)

It’s a knee jerk reaction for many to want polls to still matter. Polls are important of course, but not this year and next year is uncharted territory.

The only thing to do watch now is the comfort zone of the 10,000+ people in the American billionaire families; and that is the only check in power right now

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

No real leaders to rally about, anywhere, that I know about. Just a slow decline into increased corruption

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago

Back in my day, there were no guides; except for books that had to be bought or borrowed, one learned by hacking code until it worked or, better yet, had a helpful person in the same room give tips.

After the internet came into being, there started to be guides, at first many were ok. Then people realized they could write slop and make money or get internet points or credit. So now here we are, today, with many horrible tutorials, some middling, some good ones, about to be buried by AI

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

we only gave the Republicans a three vote margin in the House and the Senate

Many USA states have the vote counting operated by oligarchs with no oversight, using tools that have no transparency or double checking, and the results fail exit polls.

This has been talked about for decades except not by the liberals in the USA. The Democratic Party has sidelined paper ballot progress, stomping down on criticisms of unfair ballot counts, while losing influence in large areas due to ballot manipulation.

The result after 30 years of this is that most American liberals scoff at human witnessed ballot counting, resist talking about it, and have no clue .

Nobody competent can cite voting results across all 50 states without using air quotes or cracking a joke

[–] 10 points 3 weeks ago

They are welcome to snoop around my small town infrastructure, which, checks notes, is hooked up by Chinese routers the last few years

[–] 17 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

There is no way I am equating using apps with nationalism. And I have yet to understand how the worst of the big business Chinese apps are worse for me than the oligarch’s here.

If anything, while both will sell my data hundreds of times, it may be safer to use the bastards that are not under the control of the collapsing government here

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